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SODA Downloads 

Version 3.5

Service Release:

Version 4.0

User Manual: SODAManual.pdf (Right-click on the link and choose Save Target As... in order to save a copy of the manual on your computer)

Full Installation: contact SODA sales at Acronym Software Inc.

Demo Installation: SODA40Demo.exe

Choose "Open" to have the demonstration installation installed directly or "Save" to store a copy on disk and install it later.

Please read the installation notes about limitations of the demonstration version.

System Files Update:

A few users have reported the program displaying warning messages about missing Windows sytem files (.ocx or .dll files) needed by SODA. Please make sure that you have the latest Windows Updates installed on your computer.

If you encounter this problem, please follow the instructions below:

To update the old system components on your computer which are required by SODA please follow the next steps. Note that you need to choose the appropriate self extracting file based on your computer's operating system.

For Windows 98
1. Copy and expand the
Win98OCXSetup.exe self extracting file on the computer where you have installed SODA.
2. Run OCXSetup.bat from the directory to which the file was extracted on the computer.

For Windows NT, 2000 or XP

1. Copy and expand the NTOCXSetup.exe self extracting file on the computer where you have installed SODA.
2. Run OCXSetup.cmd from the directory to which the file was extracted on the computer.