Car Lease Application

* Required Field

*First Name:

*Last Name:

*Birth Date (Month/Day/Year):

Marital Status:

Single     Married    Other


Street# Street Name:



*Length of time at this address:


*City / Town:


*Postal Code:


Work Telephone:

Cell Phone:

*E Mail:

SIN Number: *not required but will help us speed up your application

- -

*Present Employer:


*How Long:


Gross Monthly Income:

Monthly Rent / Mortgage:

*Have you declared bankruptcy in the last 7 years?:

*Have you ever had a vehicle repossessed?:

*If necessary, do you have a Co-Signer for your financing?:

*Please Rate Your Credit

*Vehicle Desired:

*Down Payment Amount:

*Do you plan to purchase/Lease a vehicle within:

*Trade In?:

Trade Info:


I certify that each of the statements made and answers given in this credit applcation are true and correct and is made for the purpose of inducing the financing of the furchase of a motor vehicle. I authorize the obtaining of a credit report to be used in evaluating this application and the obtaining and exchanging of credit information from and with other creditors and consumer reporting agencies.

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