Throne Room

Throne Room Services

Throne Room Worship Services are a series of evening special worship services being developed by Interface that commemorate major points in the church year. Epiphany, Holy Saturday, Ascentecost (between Ascension and Pentecost) and Reign of Christ the King are planned for 2010 – 2011. Dates and service descriptors can be found here.

A common theme to the all of the services will be the portrayal of the spiritual reality of the access a believer has to God through prayer and worship. As God’s child, each of us can walk into the place from which our Father governs the universe, confident that he will give us unhindered access to his full attention as he speaks and listens. The setting and liturgical patterns are intended to convey the spiritual reality of being in God’s Throne Room through, symbol, ritual and imagery, while at the same time serving to remind us of God’s saving actions in human history.

The imagery will be by using fabrics in the “throne room” colours. The sidewall posts, beams, and balcony wall of St. Paul’s will be draped in interweaving purple, red and blue cloth, hung on gold coloured fasteners. These colours were believed to be God’s royal colours, and were used in the Israeli Tabernacle, which was an earthly representation of God’s throne room. The purple, red, blue and gold, and will serve the dual purpose of representing the Throne Room, while symbolically telling of God’s acting through Israel to save humanity. Other Throne Room symbolism will be drawn from Revelations, and will include prayer bowls, incense and gold fabric draped through the ceiling beams to portray the light that comes from the throne of God.

Throne Room is a series of worship services designed to incorporate whole person worship. It is my belief that there are at least twenty-three points where God and humans can interface with each other. The services are designed and curated with a deliberate awareness of these points of interface.


Bread of Life Communion Station Bread of Life, Altar view Bread of Life, balcony view Festooning in the tabernacal colours

Epiphany is an ancient Christian celebration of the revelation of Christ to the gentiles. The revelation to the gentiles really speaks to God’s revelation of himself to the whole world. At this service we will celebrate and explore this theme as well as two related sub-themes – the call of the church to continue to reveal Christ to the world by living incarnationally, and Christ’s revelations of himself through the ‘I am’ statements in the Gospel of John. The celebration and exploration will occur through messages, worship music, prayer stations on the ‘I am’ statements, a new Altarwalk, and new forms of ritual and liturgy, including a special communion ritual.

2 Comments on “Throne Room”

  1. Darlene Says:

    Your site is looking very appealing. I really enjoyed the Epiphany service. The 3 hour service felt very short.

  2. Arlen Says:

    The immersive nature of the worship experience brought every sense alive to the reality of Christ. Very impressed and blessed.

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