Arvon Manufacturing Co Ltd was incorporated in 1994 with the specific purpose of designing and manufacturing a North American rotary rake to run hydraulically with the attributes of a three point hitch in a single point machine. This was achieved, and culminated in US Patent #5,918,451.  There are 54 machines manufactured and working on farms.

Since 2011 Arvon also provides nutritional services and toll manufactured products to farmers.  Anthony is well known in central Alberta for his broad experience, and the service he provides.

Contact information

Cell:  403-556-9864


Jones Creek Livestock Consulting


Annette Suominen has a Ph. D. in Nutrition and Metabolism from the University of Alberta.  She has been working with Arvon Manufacturing since 2011, building  nutritional programs for dairy farms across Alberta.  Annette lives with her husband and three children on a farm outside Joffre, Alberta and has a herd of 100 beef cows.