Barbara's Quilts

Barbara and I took a basic quilting course together (I was the only male — duh!) at Wineberry Fabrics & Yarns. Don't exactly remember what year.

Needless to say, I have never actually put a quilt together. Barbara has done many — they are showcased here. Those that she has completed, and those she may currently be working on. Clicking on any of thumbnail images will open a new page with a screen sized photo, and, a few details.

Unless otherwise noted, all of these quilts have been professionally quilted by Catherine, of The Quilted Garden. At one time here in Surrey. She is now over on the Island.

A number of Barbara's quilts have left home, and are being enjoyed by two & four-legged family, as well as a friend or two.

Barbara's very first quilt. And, entirely and uniquely her own.
Green and white log cabin quilt, of barn raising pattern.
Fence rail pattern quilt in bright primary colours. Affectionately known as the harlequin quilt.
This was also one of Barbara's first quilts. Another kit, it was called Chocolate Raspberry.
This was one of Barbara's first quilts, and was made from a kit. It was based on a country theme. Updated
Basic four patch pattern called Four–Get Me Not. Barbara's second quilt.
Another green and white log cabin, windmill pattern. Was made for Rick's mother.
Lap quilt in greens and golds, made from kit purchased in Lethbridge, Alberta in September 2005.
Basic four patch pattern called Four–Get Me Not. Worked once, so do it again.
Barbara's first bargello, this was from the class she took.
Barbara's second bargello.
Barbara's first paper-pieced quilt, a mariner's compass pattern. This is from the class she took.
Quick Trip Around the World quilt using fabrics from Barbara's stash.
A very pink and green Ring Around the Posies quilt. Design by Tammy Kelly, fabric by Ro Gregg and Northcott Silk Inc.
Prototype of Magic Tiles quilt using oriental fabrics. Class in October 2007.
The very pink and violet Floral Chain quilt, from a kit purchased at Village Quilts in Lethbridge in June 2007.
Second Magic Tiles quilt. This one a wedding gift, specifically requested by Stephanie and Kevin.
Quilt in Drunkard's Wave pattern. Started September 2008, completed October 2010.
Tennessee Waltz quilt completed in February 2009.
Easy Chenille Baby Quilt in blue. Kit from The Quilted Garden, May 2009.
Spring Fling, Quick Trip Around the World patterned lap quilt. Kit from The Quilted Garden, purchased May 2009.
A modernistic looking lap quilt, from a kit, called City Slicker. Completed late 2009.
A so-called 'rag' quilt. Sat for years until Taffy, Barbara's sister, agree to snip all the frames. Finally washed for the first time in January 2015.
Tennessee Waltz lap quilt, in blue, completed in April 2010.
A modernistic looking lap quilt, City Slicker, a la Bistro (the fabric family was called Bistro).
A Four Patch quilt in violet - elegant. Completed spring 2010.
Double Irish Chain lap quilt in blue and white.
An oriental flavoured lap quilt in black, white and red. Based on pattern Barbara saw on booklet cover.
A fall flavoured lap quilt. Design and fabrics selected by Margaret for Barbara to put together.
Friendship stars in blue, design based on Freefall. Fabrics selected by Margaret for Barbara to put together. Barbara chose to use the Freefall design but replaced the leaves with friendship stars.
An art quilt in batiks with a fruity, seashore palette.
A modernistic looking lap quilt, City Slicker, in mellow yellow, green and blue. Updated
A baby quilt we put together for Stephanie and Kevin's first. Based on simple pattern used for an earlier baby quilt.
Quilt in Dresden Square (0102) pattern. Started March 2012, completed June 2012.
A cracker box block quilt in the colours of 'Indian' corn, , from a kit purchased at Village Quilts in Lethbridge in June 2013.
A Tennessee Waltz with fabrics selected to complement the curtains in Margaret & Stuart's bedroom. The choose the pattern/design. Barbara and Catherine selected the fabrics based on a sample of the curtain fabric send by Stuart.
Black and grey starry circles on off-white, lovely!
A baby quilt for Lexsa Brooke based on Woodland Friends flannel panel by Northcott.
Quilt Twist and Turn completed in January 2016.
A modernistic looking lap quilt, City Slicker, in purple and green batiks
Quilt of floral patterned fabrics in blues and greys. Updated
Hunter Star quilt in red and white, as requested by Stuart, Barbara's brother. We hope he and Margaret like it. We chose the fabrics so might not be there idea of red and white.
Quilt 'Cheaper by the Dozen' made using 'Batik Morocco' fabrics.
Quilt kit: 'Tapestry' New
Quilt kit: 'Stacks with Whimsy' New
Margiolds quilt pattern using a number charm packages Barbara has had for a few years. New