Tom Bacolini

Projects I have worked on/or maintain.




BC Artgallery

Visions 4 Life Canada

Nutritional Health

St. Catharines Art Association

Wesley-Robins Retirement Village

The following are a list of FREE websites:

Handy Guys Club

Bacolini (Tripod)

Bacolini (SynthaSite)

Election 2014


I registered for Ward 1 eight years ago but withdrew my name as I felt I did not have enough experience in the community to adequately represent the residents.

Since then, I have become involved in many committees and gained valuable experience in many aspects of our City:

·         Served 8 years on the Welland Transit Advisory Committee

·         Currently serving on the Welland Community Wellness Complex Advisory Committee

·         Past Chair and Treasurer and currently Vice-Chair of the Rose City Seniors Centre Foundation Board for the last 6 years while the Seniors Centre was transformed into the Wellness Complex

·         Resident and currently Treasurer of the Wesley-Robins Retirement Village

·         Currently serving as Treasurer of Welland Brethren in Christ Church Leadership Board where we have just conducted a pastoral search for a new lead pastor and we welcome Pastor Andrew Stulp and his family to our community

·         Currently serving as chairman of the Welland Recreational Canal Corporation

·         Night school instructor for the DSBN at Centennial High School for the "Introduction to Computers for Seniors" programme

·         Mall Santa at the Seaway Mall for the last 7 years and love the children and their wish lists

Received my Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics majoring in Computer Science from McMaster University 40 years ago.

Served on the Board of Directors of FirstOntario and Canal City Savings Credit Union.

Married to my high school sweetheart Sandra for the past 40 years and we have one adult daughter Amanda.

Worked at the Stelco chain of companies including Hilton Works in Hamilton and Page Hersey Works/Stelpipe and Welland Tube Works/Welland Pipe Ltd here in Welland when I moved my family here in 1986.

I worked 31 years at Stelco in the Chemical Lab, Payroll, Accounting, Systems and Purchasing Departments before retiring in 2004.

The position of City Councillor is one of authority to make decisions and guide the future direction for the Corporation and I believe candidates should apply by submitting their résumé so that the residents can decide who the best person they want to make those decisions for the City. Campaign promises reflect the wish lists of both the candidates and the residents and then it becomes City Council's task to decide which of these items will mould and transform our City into a place where we can afford and be proud of and hopefully attract others to enjoy the amenities we have to offer.

 Full name:     Tom Bacolini

Age:    62

Occupation:  Retired

Family:           Married with one daughter

Previous political experience:       None

Community work:     See list above

Top issue:      Debt and infrastructure

Why am I running?        Use my experience and skill set to make the best decisions for our City

Why should voters choose me:    Please review my résumé with my experience and skill set

Contact info: (905) 228-3592 (home),
(905) 736-8776 (cell),,


2018 Welland Elections

I am currently running for City Councillor in Ward 1, here is some of my background information:

  • Born in Hamilton and attended McMaster University where I achieved my computer science degree

  • Married my high school sweetheart 44 years ago and we have 1 daughter: Amanda

  • Employed at Stelco Hilton Works until we moved to Welland in 1986 to join the team at Page Hersey Works (Stelpipe Ltd.) and then at the Welland Tube Works ( Welland Pipe Ltd.) until I retired 14 years ago

  • Served on the Welland Transit Advisory Committee for two terms

  • Served as a Director/Chairman of the Rose City Seniors Foundation Board for three terms and involved in the conversion of the Rose City Seniors Centre into the current Welland Community Wellness Complex

  • Served as a Director/Chairman of the Welland Recreational Canal Corporation and was involved in the creation of the Welland International Flatwater Centre, Merritt Park Amphitheatre, Canal Terrace and the Pen Financial Credit Union Flatwater Centre and it's rental program

  • Served as a Director of FirstOntario Credit Union Ltd. for 20 years

  • Currently serving as Director/Treasurer of Wesley-Robins Retirement Village Inc., as Director/Treasurer of Welland BIC Church and Secretary of CARP Niagara Chapter #31 © 2011

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