Everyone should be well-informed before investing hard earned money on window replacement projects. These are a few of the basic questions that are asked by consumers.




What are the benefits of an energy efficient window?

Energy efficient windows increase the comfort level in your home by reducing cold drafts and making a house feel warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. They help control condensation because the interior surfaces of energy-efficient windows stay warmer, allowing you to maintain a higher level of humidity without worrying about condensation on your windows. They also last longer because condensation can cause premature deterioration of windows, walls and finishes leading to high maintenance and replacement costs. Most importantly, energy efficient windows save a lot of money. By minimizing air leakage and improving thermal performance of your windows, you could reduce heat loss through windows by up to 50 per cent and reduce your energy bills.


What is Low-E Glass?

Low Emissive or "Low-E" glass has a special thin-film metallic or oxide coating on its interior surface, which allows the passage of short-wave solar energy (light) but prevents the passage of long-wave energy (heat) from the sun or heating systems through the glass. Low-E glass thus allows light to enter while also providing thermal insulation. This type of glass cuts the loss of heat during the winter and cuts the absorption of heat during the summer by reflecting the heat back to its source, thus providing year-round savings by lowering utility bills. Low-E glass also selectively filters the sun's energy, blocking up to 84% of the sun's ultraviolet rays in the summer, thereby reducing the degree of fading of upholstery, carpet and drapes. Low E also reduces heating costs reflecting room side heat back into the room resulting in a lower winter U-value.


What is argon gas and why is it used with Low-E glass?

Argon is a safe, odourless, colorless, non-toxic, non-flammable inert gas that is commonly used in place of air between the glass panes of an insulated Low-E glass unit. Argon's heat conductivity is lower than that of air, and thus it is a better insulator and contributes to a lower U-factor. Argon is not an effective solar performer by itself; that is why it is only used in conjunction with Low-E glass.


Why should I be concerned about windows?

Windows can be responsible for unnecessary heat loss, high-energy consumption and cold drafts and can be the reason for condensation problems within homes. Windows and the area around them are the biggest single area of heat loss in the home.


How can I tell if I need new windows?

  • Difficult to open or close
  • Air leaking through or around the window
  • Excessive condensation or icing on the inside of the window panes
  • Windows rattle in the wind
  • Paint chipping or peeling
  • House is always too cold in winter – or too hot in summer


Will replacing my old windows really cut down on my heating bills?

Yes! Windows are one of the most important aspects of regulating home temperatures. Most windows in older homes were designed when energy was cheap and new energy efficient materials were unknown. Today’s newer energy efficient windows are designed with overall thermal efficiency in mind; keeping the heat in and the cold out. Typically, an older home can lose up to 50 percent of its energy heat through leaky, drafty windows and doors.


Are new windows a bad investment if I plan on selling my home?

No! In fact, not only will new windows make your home more energy efficient and visually appealing, but they will increase the overall value of your home.


Why should I buy custom replacement windows?

Custom replacement windows give you the perfect fit. Stock windows are available only in standard sizes. When your window opening is larger than a standard size, you’re left with an opening around the perimeter of the window. This opening is often filled with sheet rock or moulding and you are left with extra all space to patch and paint. Custom replacement windows allow you to maximize your viewing area without jeopardizing the visual aesthetics of your home.


Why change to vinyl windows instead of aluminium or wood windows?

Vinyl withstands assaults from moisture, heat, cold, humidity, salt, pollutants and acid rain; assaults that can and do affect wood and metal. Vinyl windows and patio doors never flake, blister, stick, rot, rust, peel or corrode. Vinyl's color is integral throughout the material, so scratches go virtually unnoticed. You never have to paint, strip and sand or lubricate vinyl windows or patio doors. Vinyl is truly the most durable, lowest maintenance window and patio door material available.


What is condensation and what can I do about it?

Condensation occurs when humid air comes in contact with a surface that is cooler than the air itself. In winter, when your high-quality vinyl windows are efficiently keeping cold air out and warm moist air in, condensation may appear as fog or moisture on the glass. Condensation does not indicate a problem with your windows; quite the contrary. It means you're holding in warm air like never before. But you're holding in humidity, too.


How can I control condensation?

Condensation is best controlled by controlling the source of humidity and by ventilating your home. Common sources of humidity are gas burners and clothes dryers. Make sure these are vented to the outside of your house. Sometimes with new windows, condensation occurs which wasn't occurring before replacing the windows. This is because properly installed dual pane windows seal air leaks that may have been present before the installation; thus air is no longer leaking through or around the windows. Replacing the windows has now reduced a source of ventilation. If you have a lot of humidity within your home, you may find cracking open your windows helps reduce the condensation.


What about condensation between the panes of glass?

Moisture between the panes of glass is an indication that the seal around the windowpanes has failed. This is an unlikely occurrence; however, if it does happen, most window manufacturers will replace the sealed glass unit.


What is the difference between "retrofit" and "full replacement"?

Retrofit means leaving the original (old) window frames in and installing the new vinyl frames within the existing. Full replacement means removing the existing (old) window frames.


How much will noise be reduced with new windows?

Typically, you will get a 30 - 40% noise reduction with a regular double paned window over a regular single paned window. Please note that new windows cannot reduce the noise completely, since there are many ways of sound entering your house; fireplaces, walls, doors, and vents all allow sound into your home.


Why should I choose BELLA VISTA Windows & Doors and not another company?

  • We carry a full line of vinyl windows and steel and fiberglass entry systems of the highest quality backed up by a lifetime transferable manufacturer’s warranty.
  • All of our installations are done by trained BELLA VISTA employees who are all Window Wise certified. We do not hire subcontractors on a piece work basis.
  • The owners of BELLA VISTA are directly involved in every project that the company undertakes. This ensures integrity, outstanding service, and peace of mind for our customers.


What other products and services does your company provide?

Some companies are involved in all types of home improvement activity and they often lack the expertise acquired when you just specialize in one thing. We are proud to say at BELLA VISTA that we only install replacement windows and doors of the highest quality.


How competitive are your prices REALLY?

Some companies may be offering a seemingly low price, but remember the lowest price is not always the best value for money. A good price is one where you are receiving quality products with lifetime warranty and professional installation with a strong guarantee.


How long does it take from the time I order to the time of installation?

Our lead time is usually 3-4 weeks. Our busy season starts in April and lasts through October. During our busy season you can expect a 4 week lead time.



copyright Bella Vista 2007