Eavesdropping on Facebook

Eavesdropping is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent, as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary.

Are you guilty of this?

Click this piture to watch the video!

Sometimes in life we prompt eavesdroppers to tune into our conversations. You know….TALKING LOUD around someone else so they hear you!

Well now we can prompt eavesdroppers online. When you are saying something good about someone else…you want them to know, right?

Well Facebook understands this and have created an “eavesdropping” function also known as a tag.

It is very simple! First you need to make sure you are friends with the person you are talking about. If it is a company, product or service you need to make sure that you LIKE their Facebook Page (if they have one). If they do not have a Page send them to me and I can create one for them!

All you have to do is say something nice about them and make sure you use their name.

Before their name make sure you put a “@”

When you are done the tagged name should be highlighted and then you need to press ENTER.

This is what a tagged company looks like!

Et voila- you have created a positive eavesdropping situation!

Marketing Tip: This is a great tool to use when you want to share your message or product with a person or page with a large audience. By doing this,  there is the opportunity to get the attention of new friends and fans!

If you like my tips and want to learn more please LIKE Blair Kaplan Communications on Facebook!

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