Search Results for “tech triage”

Pocket Square

SQL Server Triage Specialist Team (Remote Position)

SQL Server Triage Specialist (Remote Position) What Does a SQL Server Triage Specialist Do? As a Triage Specialist, you’ll guide clients through our SQL Critical Care®. You’ll become the primary point of contact with each client and make sure all their questions get answered by members of our team (whether it’s you or someone else).…
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And it looks bad even in shades.

Office Hours, Short Text Answers Edition

Not all of the questions y’all post at require long, thought-out answers. Some are just one-line specials, like these: F’legend: Hi Brent, in reply to a question talking about database restores for 1TB+ you also touched on scrubbing or synthetic data as a way to populate dev environments. Are there any resources/tools you would…
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Office Hours Podcast

[Video] Office Hours 2018/1/10 (With Transcriptions)

SQL Server, Videos
This week Brent, and Richie discuss validating backups using the backup set table, how to figure out if you’re a Mid-Level or Senior DBA, rollbacks, compatibility modes while upgrading SQL Server versions, MAXDOP settings, and Brent’s car purchasing tip. Here’s the video on YouTube: You can register to attend next week’s Office Hours, or subscribe to our…
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[Video] Office Hours 2017/04/19 (With Transcriptions)

SQL Server, Videos
This week, Brent, Tara, Richie, and Erik discuss SQL Server 2017 CTP 2, quorum configuration for a 4-node availability group, database sharding, premature optimization, parameter sniffing, tracking query plans within cursors, and what’s coming up in the new version of Paste The Plan. Here’s the video on YouTube: You can register to attend next week’s Office Hours,…
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[Video] Office Hours 2016/07/06 (With Transcriptions)

This week, Brent, Jessica, Richie, Doug, and Angie discuss snapshot replication, file and table-level restores, whether you should enable lock pages in memory, redistributing data across files or a database, and Doug’s new video class. Here’s the video on YouTube: You can register to attend next week’s Office Hours, or subscribe to our podcast to listen on…
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[Video] Office Hours 2016/06/15 (With Transcriptions)

This week, Brent, Angie, and Tara talk through your questions about monitoring tools, transactional replication, configuration management, source control software suggestions and much more! Here’s the video on YouTube: You can register to attend next week’s Office Hours, or subscribe to our podcast to listen on the go. Office Hours Webcast – 2016-06-15 Why did some of…
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In Review: SQL Server 2005 Waits and Queues

Wait Stats
Back in November of 2006, Microsoft released “SQL Server 2005 Waits and Queues” as a best practices article. Many people in the SQL Server community have referenced this article as a great place to get started with understanding waits in SQL Server. Heck, I’ve recommend it on a regular basis. The last time I recommended…
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Do Lots of Connections Slow Down Your SQL Server?

SQL Server
Threads are important. I sometimes hear database administrators say, “This database must be involved in our performance problem: it has too many connections.” Lots of connections might cause a problem for your SQL Server, or it might not. The good news is that there’s a way to clearly tell if they’re dragging down performance or…
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How to Tell if You Need More Tempdb Files

SQL Server, TempDB
You may have read that you need to have more than one data file in SQL Server’s tempdb. This can happen even if you’re using blazing fast storage. If you create a lot of tiny objects in tempdb you may hit a bottleneck on special pages that SQL Server uses internally to allocate all those objects. For certain workloads, adding…
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Implementing Snapshot or Read Committed Snapshot Isolation in SQL Server: A Guide

How to change isolation levels without losing your marbles. A client said the coolest thing to me the other day. He said, “We talked before about why we would want to start using optimistic locking in our code. How do we get there?” If you’re not a SQL Server geek, that comment probably doesn’t even…
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SQL Server First Responders Kit Video

When your SQL Server is critically injured you need a first responder kit to help you diagnose the problem and apply emergency aid. In this session, Kendra Little introduces you to invaluable tools and techniques for triaging an emergency. If you have one year’s experience with database administration, this half-hour session will set you up…
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What People are Finding with sp_Blitz®

SQL Server
My new sp_Blitz® stored procedure helps you take over SQL Servers, identify risks, and build an inventory of what needs to be fixed.  Here’s the video from our Tech Tuesday Triage webcast series this week when I explained how to use it: In the sp_Blitz® output, I include a link to learn more about…
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