History of Bethel Stone
The first pioneers arrived in this community around 1840. They found good soil, plenty of water and an an abundance of oak and pine trees for building and heating purposes.

In 1844 a school was built which also served as a church and the services were led by the menfolk of the community. Before 1864, it was decided that a regular house of worship was needed. The piece of land was donated and most of the work in building the church was done by the people of the community. The final cost of the church was $1,200.

The building was dedicated in 1864 as an Episcopal Methodist church. In 1865, "Bethel", the name given to the church, was put on the Fairfield circuit and remained there for 10 years. In 1875, Bethel joined the Blenheim circuit with Falkland.

In 1884, the Episcopal and Wesleyan churches united to form the Methodist Church of Canada and, once again, Bethel became part of the Fairfield circuit with Burford and Victoria.

In 1918, our circuit became known as the Burford circuit. In 1925, the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational Churches united, so Bethel became known as "Bethel Stone United Church". Early February, 1964, the Burford congregation requested permission from Presbytery to form a one-point charge. This was granted on Feb. 5. 1964. After ninety years of association on the Burford circuit, Bethel church was now a separate charge.

Our church is alive and well and still growing. Much more could be said about the life of Bethel church in the last 150 years, but let us say that Bethel acts as a Beacon Light for many miles around and is the hub of all our community!