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    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Well after tackling Lighthouse Atol, and its beautiful dives (including the Blue Hole), we resigned to the local reef that is less than 20 minutes away from BDS. Today there were a lot less divers, 4 to be exact, enough to outweigh 1:1 with the boat/diving staff!

    Needless to say, this means that we were able to go and do a lot more than with a larger group in the terms of the lengths, and depths of the dives. I've been paired up with a chap from Kentucky, who has been diving non-stop the past few weeks with BDS since getting here to Belize, having already done his OW, AOW and Nitrox courses.

    I've found that after diving, heading back to my room, grabbing a pack of chips, an ice cream and a few Belikin's while hanging out in the hammock to be quite relaxing. Adding in early morning dives, just makes it even better.

    This morning we went off to Esmerelda, with lots of Nurse Sharks of all sizes, and humungous Black Groupers hanging out at the top ends of the deep corals.M

    Cypress Tunnels had a few narrow swim thru that proved to be quite exciting to this new diver.

    The usual overnight decompression schedule has started to set in, an ice cream, a few beers and hanging out in a hammock until it gets dark, then look for some road side BBQ.

    Caye Caulker Belize, Esmerelda, BDS
    Date: September 6, 2012
    Bottom Time: 50 minutes
    Max Depth: 70 ft
    Water Temp: 28C
    Vis: Caribbean .... Lots!
    Notes: pair of spotted rays, crab coming into canyons. tones of nurse sharks.
    Running time: 7:17

    Caye Caulker Belize, Cypress Tunnels, BDS
    Date: September 6, 2012
    Bottom Time: 54 minutes
    Max Depth: 70 ft
    Water Temp: 28C
    Vis: Caribbean .... Lots!
    Notes: 40ft pass thru. nurse sharks.
    Running time: 8:11

    Published December 11, 2013

    Created by BRad

    This website is designed, conceived and maintained by me. All content is original (unless cited), and is not to be used by any other persons or parties without written permission.
