




About the Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild

The BVCG is a nonprofit society formed in 1981. We promote the appreciation, learning and sharing of the lettering arts, and introduce calligraphy to the general public.

A newsletter published four times a year is sent to all members and exchanged with other guilds worldwide. Members are encouraged to contribute artwork and articles of interest.

Our library contains newsletters received from other guilds, books and publications of interest to calligraphers and slides by local and international lettering artists.

Classes and workshops are offered throughout the year and are advertised in the newsletter and on our website.

The Guild meets monthly from September through June. General meetings include directors' reports and discussions of Galleria submissions. Enrichment meetings range from slide shows to demonstrations. Our biennial Calligraction is a fun event with games, activities and a chance to get acquainted with other members. Directors and Officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting in May.

Members are encouraged to contribute to shows and special projects sponsored by the Guild.

Monthly meetings are held at :
St. Andrew's Heights Community Hall
2504-13 Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta

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