Jun 03

Recent Testimonials



“As an experienced do-it-yourselfer, I have done many significant home renovations in the past.  My wife and I have owned 6 houses over the past 11 years and out of a sense of due diligence we have always hired a home inspector. When we purchased our home in Aurora we hired Christian Mettel and we were surprised and delighted with the detail and quality in his report. He was hands-down the best building inspector we have ever hired. I thought that I knew it all, but Christian highlighted concerns that I did not see.”


Paul Ljucovic

Hi Chris,I reviewed the report you sent to me and I am very impressed with the way you presented. I hope I don’t need to, but, if I need your help, I will contact you. Thanks again for your time and help.
Regards,  Paresh Vyas Quality Engineer


Thank you, appreciate the thoroughness of your inspections!
Kevin Brown


Very thorough. Great Job!

Hi Chris,


Thanks for sending us the report so quickly.  My husband was very impressed by the report and how detailed it was.


Attached is a picture of you at work.  I think it's a very good picture of you.  :)


It was great meeting you and I would definitely recommend you to anyone looking for home inspector.




 Thank you for the great report. You certainly were very thorough and very much appreciate the report that I will use as a reference for making minor repairs to the house. 

Thanks again. 


Brendan and Julie Harte

Hi Chris,

 Thanks so much for getting us the report so fast. It looks amazing. Thanks for all of your help at the house as well.


Hello Chris, it was a pleasure meeting and talking with you yesterday. I have seen the report. You have done excellent work.
Thank you,
A. Pellew

Hi Christian, thanks a lot we really appreciate your work and the report is great.        

Victor Akenyemi

Hi Chris,

We just wanted to thank you so very much for your excellent inspection...You are very detailed and knowledgeable. I was impressed by the level of care you have taken during your thorough top-to-bottom inspection of the property. The photographs that accompanied the descriptions of every area of concern were very helpful. The report you produce is excellent and your communication skills are awesome. Best thing is, your report also included helpful tips & recommendations to maintain & prevent further damage. You spotted things we never would have noticed.

If we hear of anyone thinking of home inspection, we 'll definitely recommend your name.


Ben & Ila Chakraborti, Ajax

Hi Chris, I just wanted to write to thank you for the outstanding home inspection you performed for us last week in The Beaches. I was truly impressed by your thoroughness, knowledge, and attention to detail. You far exceeded my expectations. You spent almost 4 hours at the home I was considering purchasing, and provided me with the essential information that I needed to help me make the decision. You are a credit to your profession and someone I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a high quality home inspection.  Thanks again,

Christopher MacDonald, Toronto

Chris, I would like to thank you for the home inspection you performed on the property I am planning to purchase.  You were extremely thorough and knowledgeable. I really appreciated the way you took the time to explain things to me.  After the inspection I felt I had a very good sense of the condition of the property and am very grateful for the way you pointed out possible safety hazards.  The pictures in the report were very helpful in explaining your findings. I would gladly and readily recommend your services. Thank you again.

Debbie Macfarlane

RE: Guaranteed Residential Inspections

To Whom It May Concern:

Prior to closing the deal on the purchase of our new home, we required the services of a professional home inspector.  A family friend recommended Chris Mettel of Guaranteed Residential Inspections. I was impressed by the level of care demonstrated during his thorough top-to-bottom inspection of the property. The 41-page report – received online the following morning – was comprehensive and detailed.  The photographs that accompanied the descriptions of every area of concern were very helpful.  The report also included recommendations to correct deficiencies and prevent further damage. If you’re a buyer in need of a thorough, frank assessment of the home you wish to purchase, I highly recommend Guaranteed Residential Inspections. 


 Allan Seid


 Thank-you for your time and effort in conducting a thoroughly professional job with regard to our house inspection. As first-time home-buyers, you're considerable knowledge and attention to detail was key to us making an informed, confident decision. Online report is a great reference tool for future.

  - Sean and Shaunie Noble 


After purchasing our home in March, we used the services of Christian Mettel with Guaranteed Residential Inspections.  Mr. Mettel performed a detailed inspection and took the time to explain areas of improvement that were needed, and provided us with a package including pictures pointing out areas of concern. I highly recommend Christian Mettel and Guaranteed Residential Inspections for anyone purchasing a home.  You will have the comfort of moving into your new house knowing its safety and condition.  

Carla-Ann Rego 



Dear Guaranteed Residential Inspections,

I have just received the report on the Aurora property we purchased and would like to commend you on the work done by your company.  Chris and Jim were extremely thorough, and took the time to explain to me the details of their inspection.  The final report on the property was comprehensive, yet easy to follow.  The GRI inspection and report have left us confident in our decision to purchase this house.

Thank you.


John Screech & Ginette Menard

Aurora, Ontario