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About us


The Varscona Theatre is one of Edmonton’s busiest and most accessible theatre spaces. Located in the heart of Edmonton’s historic Old Strathcona district and operating year round we are home to Shadow Theatre, Teatro la Quindicina, Die-Nasty The Live Improvised Soap Opera, Oh Susanna and The VIP Kids Show. We are a vital venue during The Fringe Theatre Festival every August, hosting groups including The Plain Janes, Guys in Disguise, Andrea House’s Forget Me Not Productions, Caution: May Contain Nuts, Panties Productions, Pony Productions, Kill Your Television and Chorus Productions. All year long we are an affordable alternative to companies looking to rent a theatre on a one-time basis. In the 2012/2013 the Varscona plays host to Kill Your Television Theatre, Cold Dead Fish Theatre, Trunk Theatre and Whizzgiggling Productions. Each year we provide the City of Edmonton with at least 350 cultural performances in all demographics, playing to over 35,000 audience members during the 2010-2011 theatre season.

Find us:

varscona theatre


Executive Officer

John Hudson


Directors                            Coralie Cairns, Belinda Cornish, John Hudson, Stewart Lemoine, Andrew MacDonald-Smith, Kory Mathewson, Sheri Somerville, Murray Davison


Seats                               176 + 2 wheelchair

Lobby                             Tiny; about 40 people standing

Rehearsal                            Small rehearsal facility in basement

Rental inquiries                     E-mail attn. Jeff Haslam at teatro@TeatroQ.com

John Hudson

Jeff Haslam

Coralie Cairns

Davina Stewart

Stewart Lemoine

Andrew MacDonald-Smith