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Wacom Tablet and Dual Monitors... Problem?

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I'm looking into getting a tablet(probably an Intuos2), but know very little about them. I'm under the impression that it replaces your mouse with it's own that you "move" along the tablet itself. This part seems fine, as I don't really "stray" from my mouse pad as it is to get between monitors. But I wonder about the actual "pen" part... When I use Photoshop, the work area's maximized to one display and my palettes reside on the other screen. In this case, is the surface area of the tablet still representative of the entire (dual-screen) workspace (if so - it seems to me that drawing on it would actually be a kind of "squeezed" aspect ratio) or is it "smart" to what you're working on? I hope this question makes sense - I'm not really sure how else I can word it...


Thanks in advance,

Kenny Walton

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Hey Ken I have an Intuos 2 on dual monitors and yes it can go across the entire screen (both screens). However you can map the Intuos to any part of the screen you want by specifying the coordinates. You can also specify that you only want it to work on screen 1 or 2. In your case you would probably map all of screen 1 and just part of screen 2. You can also adjust the scaling so that moving the pen on the pad 1 inch represents 10 on the screen. Bascially there is not much you can't do.


As for the mouse, yeah it has one, but personally still like my wireless logitech.

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Hi Ken


The Wacom doesn´t exactly replace the mouse. They work simultaneously. You can use this to your advantage when using for example Autocad. draw with the pen and pan/zoom with the mouse.


Actually I tried to change the mouse to my right hand(I´m a lefty) in order to force myself to use the pen because initially the mouse is quicker to use because you are used to it already. This works well but after a while I find that the pen is best suited for Adobe software while all the 3D programs work best with a mouse.

Perhaps I´m just not skilled enough with the tablet yet but I would like to hear from experienced users how exactly they use the tablet - for which software and how.

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One thing I should mention (I have the 9x12) and becuase it sits literally right next to my dual monitors I get interference (shaky pen actions) once the pen get's near the top of the drawing area nearst the monitors. It goes away if I use it on my lap, but a 9x12 (18" x 14" total dimension) is not all that easy to put in your lap. I'd go for the smaller one pesonally if I had to buy again.

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Yeah when my monitors die, or I feel like I got some spare cash...I'm all over it.


Yea carefull Jeff, Greg sucked me in to using LCD monitors and now I cant even look at a crt anymore, and to make it worse since then Ive purchased 2 191T 19" samsung's and a 172T 17" samsung and love them to death. :D



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