Separation Agreements

Separation agreements are domestic contracts that aim to resolve any outstanding issues that exist between you and your spouse. What this means is that when the two of you are formally separating both of you will agree to settle any of the said issues on mutually agreeable terms. These mutually agreed upon terms are then drafted into a binding contract. The intent of a separation agreement is to protect both your personal interests as well as any assets that you may have at the time. For instance; you may decide to agree upon child support payments and when they should occur or you may agree to sell the matrimonial home and divide the proceeds equally. Really, anything that you may want to include in a separation can be included. There is very little that cannot be incorporated into an agreement.

What you need to know is that you do not necessarily require a lawyer to draft the agreement for you. This takes time and effort and can cost you thousands of dollars in legal fees. Divorce Central offers custom templates that allow you to take advantage of creating your own agreement that can then be taken to a lawyer for review and independent legal advice which we encourage. What we are simply trying to do is save you money by getting the laborious part out of the way so that you can walk in to any lawyers office and know that you saved yourself hours of legal work.

Parenting Plans

Parenting Plans are generally incorporated into your separation agreement. They can however be drafted independently if you already have a separation agreement that does not include a parenting plan. The purpose of a parenting plan is to outline an access schedule that works for both you and your former spouse. Parenting plans are often mutually agreed upon between the parties alone without the assistance of a lawyer. They are essentially a contract that incorporates both custody and access issues.

For instance; provisions regarding parental decision making may be included in the parenting plan such as which parent is responsible for making decisions that pertain to either the education, religion, or health of the child or children. Also included are the dates and times that access occurs each week or month as well as how access arrangements should occur. It may be that you want your child or children dropped off at your house or, if you do not have an amicable relationship, you may want to meet at a local restaurant to exercise access.

If you take advantage of our custom parenting plan template you can structure what you would like to see in an access schedule prior to offering it to your former spouse for review and acceptance. You can even take it into a lawyers office for legal advice. The benefit is that you can complete most of the work yourself without the need of a lawyer to spend countless hours preparing a schedule that may not even be accepted by the other party. Why not save yourself the legal fees and do it yourself.

Our Custom Template Form

If you would like to take advantage of our custom templates then all you have to do is simply click on the link below, fill out the form, and return it to us. One of our representatives will get back to you immediately and will send you the template of your choosing.

Please click the link below to open up our form in a new window or right click and save the form to your computer. Please follow the directions in the form and return it to us at

Once complete, please follow the instructions in the form and forward back to us the requested documents so that we can begin helping you.

Divorce Central looks forward to helping you and we appreciate your business.


Did You Know?

Separation agreements help protect both your personal interests and your financial assets. They assist parties who are separating by including provisions that stipulate child support and spousal support, custody and access, as well as property division.

Have You Heard?

Parenting Plans assist parents in establishing a parenting schedule. They outline how parenting should occur while each parent exercises access. They also detail the dates and times that access occurs including during vacation and holiday periods.