

About Me
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Here is a list of a few of my hobbies...(Underlined text areas are links!)

bulletMusic - I have been playing guitar for over 25 years now, wow!, I should be a lot better than I am! I also play some Bass and keyboards. I truly enjoy composing and have written a number of songs. I am starting to get back into MIDI composition as well. I used to use an Amiga computer and wrote about 30 - 40 songs around 15 years ago.
For TAB links see the "Favorites" tab on the left <-
bullet Karate - We just finished our Summer Karate tests  in June and the results are in... Pat has now earned her Level 1 "Green Belt" and is striving for her Level 2 "Green Belt".  I achieved a Level 2 Blue Belt and I will be studying to advance to a level 1 "Brown Belt", we all are studying under Sensei Kyoko Iwamura
bulletAquariums - I have recently renewed my interest in aquariums. I now have a 125 Gal. tank with various African Cichlids in it. I had kept tanks for a number of years until 3 weeks prior to the birth of my daughter, when my 150 Gal tank burst. The kids were frequently asking when I would get a tank going again, so I did! I truly thank them for getting my interest in fish back!
bulletLearning - It sounds funny, but, I love to learn!;-) I am currently learning about Flash 5 and will probably have some small samples on this site shortly.

        I intend to add much more info here as well associated links.

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This site was last updated 03/09/08