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Ross Driedger

Software Professional, Musician and Bridge Player

London, Ontario, Canada
ross (at) earz (dot) ca

About Me

I am a software developer/consultant/educator based out of London, Ontario, Canada. I hold that a primary responsibility of a programmer is to write clear code that is demonstrably correct. My areas of expertise are music software, games and educational software, artificial intelligence and secure code.

In my teaching I focus on what is really happening on the computer (phone, console, table) as a program runs. A developer who does not understand the basics of how a computer process works is not in mastery of the tools of the trade. That, along with careless and sloppy programming habits leads to a large majority of software errors and security vulnerabilities. My intention is to ground my students in really understanding what each line of code they write is really doing.

I am also a musician (composer, arranger, singer), though my focus in music is on writing music software.

I spend much of my free time playing contract bridge. I am rated a Silver Life Master by the American Contract Bridge League. OK, so that is not a very high ranking, but I took fifteen years off from playing tournament bridge (I played mostly rubber bridge during that time), but I have achieved my standing only within the last seven years. Bridge is a game of making and avoiding errors and whenever I feel I need a lesson in humility, a session of bridge with an honest appraisal of my errors is a good dose of therapy.