Contact Us


We love to hear from you so feel free to reach us. Here is how!

twitter: @egardenscanada


Mail: Unit 45095, Ocean Park, South Surrey, BC  Canada V4A-9L1

10 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. I am looking for your balsamic reduction classic, I love it. I am in Oshawa Ontario. Do you have any idea where they sell this product here.

    • Hi Celine, Thanks for enjoying our products! The Classic is an all time favourite -its a great every day- staple in my pantry. Hopefully you can make a trip out West again soon as we currently are not available in eastern Canada.
      Ill certainly let you know when that changes, Thank you,

  2. I adore your products, especially the Fig and Fire Balsamic reduction, and am able to find some of them when I travel to Prince George (3 hours away). Unfortunately, I cannot purchase all of your products there, so I’m hoping you can ship a jar of the Cranberry Balsamic spread to me here in Valemount, BC.
    Keep up the amazing work.

    • Thanks Anne for the kind words. Yes of course we will send a jar of this festive holiday cranberry balsamic your way! Ill also try and find a store partner for your area so you can enjoy edible gardens year round! Cheers and Thank you! Leigh

  3. Hi Michael:I love the Fig & Fire. I ordered 2 bottles from you earlier in the year and I would like to order some more.

  4. Hi Michael.
    Just finished the few drops left from my last bottle.
    So, very happy my order arrived to day.
    Thank you for the Pomegranate reduction, I look forward to developing a taste
    for another one of your wonderful products.
    Warm regards.
    Prescott Az.

  5. Pls let me know if a local retailer that sells your fig and fire balsamic reduction. Thank you for such a Delicious product, cheers Trish

  6. Glad to see your product at more local stores. (rmd) Got some at the Fowl Farmer today. And some for presents in Dec at sinfully the best chocolate. Baking some in chicken right now.

  7. Hello,
    I have been searching and searching for your balsamic reductions in my local Whole Foods here in Washington State. I used to purchase there all the time and now i can’t find them. Since my first taste, I have raved to my family and friends about these being my all time favorite food item. It’s truly a bit of an addiction. Have tried others and simply nothing compares.

    Other than passing on my compliments to you for making such a superb product, I was hoping you could tell me if you still sell anywhere in the Seattle area? If not, do you have a location that sells your products near the border and I-5?
    Thanks for any help you can give. I can’t wait to have some in my cupboards again.

Love to Hear from you!