Jul 31, 2010


A surprise trip to Universal Studios Hollywood happened for us today. Super special place to me that I've loved since I was tiny. I was going to post some pictures from my scrapbook of a visit we took in 1994...but they were just too ugly. Haha. My ultimate dream was to either be a tour guide for the tram or act in the live Flintstones show. Oh, the mind of a 12 year old...
Anyway, I was so happy to be feeling better and with 3 of my favourite people. Now Laur (my sis) and I are looking through my scrapbooks. Nostalgic day.












Funny thing about the day is that we all got free HUGE King King "commemorative" cups filled with soda pop.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Anyone doing anything fun? (: Of course you are! Everything can be fun if you're with fun people!


Jul 30, 2010


Hello cute people! I'm feeling only 5% better but I just really wanted to show you my Rachel Comey sandals. They are my perfect flat sandals. I will wear them till they fall apart and then I will get them put back together.

Plus, I've loved lavender since I was 4 and I'll always love lavender. Sooooo...

In other news, we sent out our 30 days notice to vacate our current apt. This makes me veeeeeeeery nervie! We're planning on moving into a loft downtown but all the stars have to align! I remember 3 years ago stating that "I would NEVER move downtown. Ew. Gross. Hideous." Etc... That's why you should never say never, people. I just want us to experience downtown city views before we start a family. (:

Well, I've got lots of work to do and I should be resting. But I HATE resting. Unless I'm in Palm Springs or at my parents house! (:

LOVE & happiness to all. Forever.

Jul 29, 2010

Greetings. I am feeling really yucky. So is my husb. We are going to bed for lots & lots of hours.

We went downtown looking for a loft to move into today and halfway through we both took a nosedive into sickville.

I got some sandals in the mail today which certainly helped. (:
This was when I was having a wonderful day in stripes & polka dots in Pasadena before I was feeling icky poo puppies (Pound Puppies anyone?). This day will come again..in a couple of days.

Pray for us. (: XOXO.

Jul 25, 2010

Sometimes LA is really beautiful (in it's own strange way).

I'm sitting in my car in a nice neighborhood in Beverly Hills waiting on my guy who's at the dentist. I'm always so curious as to how these people aquired these houses. And then I wonder if they have happy families and if they have fun together. Yes, I am being creepy.
I'll miss all the palm trees when we move away someday. And I'll miss the overcast mornings that melt away into warm sunny days.

Anyway, I got these heart button denim shorts yesterday. I'm always sold on absolutely anything with hearts on it. And a striped shirt is a striped shirt right? Wrong. Basics from APC are just better than any other.

Have you ever tried to type a blog from your iPhone? It's pretty hard. Especially when your phone is 2 years old and you have over 5,000 pictures in your photo library. Slow is an understatement. Patience can be my strong suit.

I have started to get really annoyed with LA drivers. I have always driven in LA ever since I could drive, so I was always just one in the hurried pack. But if anyone else has a Prius and also has any degree of OCD you will understand the game I like to play with keeping my mpg up.

Anyway, I'm definitely rambling. Must be the iPhone. Here are some pictures in our neighborhood.






Oh yes, and thanks for the answers on "protocol". I feel better about it now. :)
Thanks for your comments as well. I feel like there are so many nice people I don't know but I want to get to know everybody! So yay!

Cinnamon Toast.

Great day. Out for coffee with Ms. Nancy Drew. I can't even tell you how many times I have read this book. It takes me about 30 minutes to plow through the entire thing. I'm going to say that my favourite thing about all these books is when Nancy orders cinnamon toast at hotel restaurants. I would like to think that I would do that too if I was out solving mysteries. Unfortunately, I've never solved one mystery. I think I'll add "solving a mystery" to my list of things I need to do in life. Next on my list is opening up a real life shop. Soon!





Oh, and I have a question for you. When I want to reply to your comments, do I do it on my post or try to go to your blog and reply? What's the protocol? :)

Jul 23, 2010

Simple means.

As we were heading out the door to the grocery store this morning, Gabe said "You're gonna wear that?". I didn't take offense because he just knows I don't like being stared at. But of course then I kept thinking some elderly woman at the store was going to say, "You shouldn't be wearing a little girls outfit". I'm not paranoid since this actually happened to me and Lisa once. At church. We were wearing the same dress. Life is so embarrassing sometimes.

I really love rompers though. Aren't they the best? So comfortable and I really do feel 5 years old in them and suddenly the sun looks more interesting and life is just little more fun.

Lindsay asked me where I got my glasses and I'm so happy to share! There's a tiny store in Pasadena called "Old Focals". It is packed full of vintage frames. AMAZING place. Super great prices. I need to go back and get sunglasses with my prescription.



It's a beautiful LA summer day!
Have a good Friday everyone!

Everything is gonna be alright in the summertime.

Ending tomorrow! Hurry on over and bid. (:

Click to pic to shop.

Hello everybodyzzz.
I've just been busy living my fun life with my favorite people.
Couldn't ask for much more.

Well, I could ask for my online orders to arrive! I'm waiting on a ring from Stone & Honey (LOVE everything of theirs) and a pair of Rachel Comey Sandals...oh, and a set of Rachel Ray pans. Haha. Waiting for things to arrive has pushed me into sending my own packages out daily just in case someone is waiting as impatiently as I am. (: While I wait, trying to decide on a satchel from ASOS.

I've actually been wearing this polka dot blouse way too much. Time to put it up for sale.

Oh, and a good tip for patent leather shoes: Magic Eraser works wonders!








Anyway, I'm just trying to get my mind off my depression from watching "Inception" today. I can't help but take films too seriously...it's "Atonement" all over again. I just need some fluff ok?

See you soon!

Jul 19, 2010

Sugar barons & cotton kings.

Relaxing day. We layed by the pool and had family dinner...minus Marty (dog)...who wasn't invited by me since he snapped at me this morning. Well, it really hurt my feelings...
Had some incredible cheesecake with hot fudge. Oh my. It was delightful.
Some more big news (JK) is that I have fallen in love with Disney's "The Princess and the Frog". I love everything about it. The setting, the songs, the complete inspiration to work hard to make your dreams come true. I can't wait to watch it with my future (sometime) children.
It's terribly hot today but I'm always cold when I go inside anywhere on days like this so I always wear a light jacket. Gotta take care of yourself. I also carry around chocolate in my purse....juuuuust in case I get irritable...fixes that right up!
Also, I am finally getting used to wearing my glasses on certain days. HUGE news. JK again.
Ok, gotta run..I'm with my favorite people right now and we're going to do some night swimming and later on have some ice cream or something. (Right, guys? Or was the cheesecake our dessert? I hope not.)
I want to NEVER, EVER, EVER forget days like today or take them for granted.





Love you!

Jul 16, 2010

Polkie dots.

I have always had a weakness for polka dots.
I chose a black & white polka dot dress for my 8th grade graduation. (:
And I am so happy to wear a backpack as my purse. So easy!
Still reeeeeally hot.






Favesies for the week!

Lots of cute summer items ending tomorrow! If you're like me you are in the mood to do some retail therapy and buy tons of breezy summer clothes. (:

Just click the pic to shop!

Keep it positive everyone!


Jul 14, 2010

Lacy day.

It got super hot today for the first time. I normally really love that...but I think I have "gone to Portland, Or in my mind" (to the tune of James Taylor).
Anyway, I win the comfy awards today because I'm wearing sweatshorts...and love love lovin' it.
It's our weekend so we're off to have some fun. Maybe we'll chase some cool weather down.