Basics of a Food Handlers Course: Proper Attire

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When people think of a food handlers course, they often think about the right food preparation techniques which include proper hygiene and food storage methods. In reality though, the scope of a food handlers course goes beyond these boundaries since proper attire is also discussed. Here are some of the guidelines on proper attire that are normally discussed in these types of courses.

The designs of the clothes

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Stomach Pain

It is highly recommended for food handlers to wear plain shirts that do not have buttons, bedazzles and other designs that may fall off onto the food. These items, especially those that are bite-sized are considered as choking hazards not just to children but also to adults, especially to senior citizens who cannot chew food properly.

Aside from being a choking hazard, these items can also cause other types of infections and medical conditions especially if the food handler uses public transportation in order to go to work. Certain pathogens can stick to clothing particulates and cause severe medical conditions which can even cause death. This is why it is highly advisable for handlers to change their shirt before they start with food preparations.

Wear an apron

This is highly advisable especially for those who sell or handle vegetables and raw meat. Wearing an apron ensures that the food does not come in contact with the food handler’s clothes which prevents contamination.

Use a hair net

Using a hair net is the most effective way to ensure that hair follicles, regardless of its length or thickness, does not fall onto the food. Hair follicles are notorious for harboring different types of pathogens which can cause serious illnesses. This is because the scalp produces natural oils and sweat which creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and even parasites such as lice and ticks. It can also cause choking especially in children.

Aside from chefs and other food handlers, these guidelines are also useful for homemakers who are fond of cooking or eating at home by helping them prepare or handle the food in the right attire which will prevent many health hazards that can send their friends or loved ones to the hospital. This is why it is highly advisable for every homemaker to take a food handlers course since this type of course can teach them so much more about proper hygiene and other food handling techniques that they may never come across on their own.

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