


consultation COMPLIMENTARY

15 min session $15

30 min session $30

45 min session $40

60 min session $50

* minimum fee of $10

package rates available



50 minute treatment $50

package rates available


Electrocoagulation* ( Special - 60% off)

consultation COMPLIMENTARY**

15 min session $55 $20

* minimum fee of $10

** consultation covers identification of the condition, establishing relevant medical history, explanation of treatment, pre-treatment and post-treatment requirements



full legs $60

brazilian $50

egiptian (*ALL* GONE) $60

bikini (clean up) $20 & up

stomach $25

chest (neck to belly button) $55

full back $60

neck (great in between haircuts!!) $15

brow shaping $10

upper lip $8

chin $5

side burns $10

full face $35

half legs (includes knee) $35

underarms $15

full arms $30

half arms $20

toes $10