If you have a question and need an answer, here is your chance to ask the funeral director. Having some questions answered can make you feel more confident in your funeral planning decisions.

Fill in your questions here

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  • When should I consider starting a funeral plan?
  • The sooner the better!  The average age of my clients are between 50 -60 years old.  You should be thinking about getting your plan started at any age, the younger the better for savings and peace of mind.  Let me show you how easy it is.

  • How do I avoid paying the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on a funeral?
  • You still have time to get an exemption from the 8% increase in sales tax.  You have until July 1st, 2010 to pre-plan and pre-pay for a funeral.  If you have ever thought about pre-planning for a funeral now is a good time.  Get a consultation today, go to Contact Anita.

  • How do I pre-pay for my funeral?
  • There are many different options. Some people like to pay in full. Most funeral homes have monthly payment options. You’d be surprised at how low your payments could be. If you need a quote please Contact Anita.

  • Is cremation cheaper?
  • It can be. You can select a rental casket to reduce your casket cost. You can opt for scattering the cremated remains, which would reduce your overall costs by not having to pay for cemetery property. You could have no services at all and have a direct cremation.