The following pages will 'look and feel' real but they have not been fully tested or proofed yet. This Periodic Table, and its use at this time for study or scientific purposes is not recommended. The table was part of a project for English 315 at Malaspina University back in 2000 and demonstrates the ability of HTML, DHTML, javaScript, and ASP (Microsoft's 'Active Server Pages') now PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) to build study tools. In time this tool will evolve to one that no longer demands this message.

For additional information about this project please contact John Petzelt the student, or Marsh Soules the instructor, and for details about English 315 and how it all fits in, go to Again, there will be no further indication after the link below is clicked that the periodic table is anything less than a true working table.

Load the Periodic Table of Elements by clicking here.