255 Lacewood Drive

Suite 214 

Halifax, NS 

B3M 4G2




Ph:      (902) 457-2553

Fax:    (902) 443-0739

Email: Jessie@gmact.ca

Gmeiner Actuarial Services Inc.

Gmeiner Actuarial Services Inc. specializes in    providing actuarial  reports

 and consulting services for law firms.  Our expertise lies in the quantification

of future financial losses and the division of property on marriage breakdown.





Personal Injury


Matrimonial Actions

Professional Negligence

Wrongful Dismissals

Criminal/Commercial Actions


Jessie's Detailed CV

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Jessie Shaw Gmeiner

B.Sc.H., M.Sc., F.C.I.A., F.S.A.

          Jessie Shaw Gmeiner is a Fellow of the Canadian

      Institute of Actuaries and a Fellow of the Society

      of Actuaries which is the North American

      actuarial association.


Jessie obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in Mathematics and a Master of Science in Mathematics from Acadia University in the 1970s.  Upon her Bachelor’s degree graduation in 1974, she was awarded the University medal in Mathematics as well as the Governor General’s medal.  Study at Acadia was followed by three years of doctoral study in Mathematics at Dalhousie University as a Killam Scholar and a National Science and Engineering Research Council Scholar.

In 1981, Jessie joined the Halifax office of an international pension and employee benefits consulting firm, and began the examination process for qualification as a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries, a process which was successfully completed in 1986.  In 1993, Jessie established her own business, Gmeiner Actuarial Services, which was incorporated in 1995.

Jessie has over twenty-five years of experience in preparing actuarial reports in personal injury, fatality and matrimonial matters.   She is also a highly qualified pension actuary.  Since 1990 alone, she estimates that she has prepared over twenty-six hundred reports, with the vast majority of these cases settling out of court.  She has rendered opinions as an expert witness from 1985 to 2006 on one hundred and seven occasions in the Supreme Courts of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island and in the Court of Queen’s Bench, New Brunswick.

Jessie is a past member of the Examination Committee for the Actuarial Evidence course for the Society of Actuaries, and has been a long-standing member of the Actuarial Evidence Committee of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, ending as Vice Chairman of the Committee in 1997 and 1998.  She is currently a member of the Committee of Professional Conduct. In 2002, she was presented with a “Certificate of Merit” in recognition of service on CIA committees and task forces. 

Jessie has been a frequent program participant speaker at Canadian Institute of Actuaries conferences and seminars and has been a guest speaker at a number of Continuing Legal Education conferences and ATPLA conferences.