Good Old Lululemon Blog

This blog is about good old vintage Lululemon clothing and accessories and all things Lulu!

Lululemon Photos from the Seawheeze Half Marathon Party Zone 2

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I took some photos at the Seawheeze Half Marathon race this morning.

Unfortunately, I woke up late so by the time I got there, most of the racers had past this point. The race started at 7:37 AM and I was almost 6 miles into the race where I was.

It was advertised as:

party zone 2- the world’s largest cheer station

 Come out and cheer our runners on at the toughest part of the half marathon, there will be pom-poms, vuvuzelas and sassy signs.

Join us for a complimentary pancake breakfast provided by The Boathouse, high fives and the world’s largest cheer station. We’re gonna be making some noise so bring your “A” game.

time: 7am – 10am

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anywhere near ‘the world’s largest cheer station’ by the time I got there at 9AM. In fact, most of the runners weren’t running, they were walking!

Still, there was a cheer group by the Kitsilano Lululemon still cheering them on as they walked by. I’d say the majority of those cheering were Lululemon employees. They were holding the signs Lululemon had had printed up (and were in the store window) and were waving shredded Lululemon bags as pom poms.

Here’s a mascot!

Not sure what the caveman theme was all about?

There was a pancake breakfast but I think that there was something wrong with the grill because it took 15 minutes (literally!) before I got barely cooked pancakes.

David’s tea had small paper cups of refreshing pineapple tea.

There was a lone band playing half way up the street. I’m sure they were appreciated earlier in the morning.

Here was a few runners with a pace bicycle close by.

They had a few kids playing with some blocks.

I walked down West 4th to see if there was another cheer group and there was a block away.

At Cypress, there was a group of young girls and their parents wearing Ivivva purple outfits.

I’m sure they must have been given them to cheer. They looked nice all matching in their outfits.

Promptly at 9:55 AM, they disbanded and started leaving.

If they wanted to attract more people to cheer, they should have advertised more and maybe offer free lululemon clothing, like they did with the Ivivva girls. I hope there was more cheering at other spots.

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