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User Scripts

If your account has CGI support enabled, you may need to know the following:
  • Your local directory path is: /web/
  • Path to PERL is: /usr/bin/perl
  • Path to sendmail is: /usr/sbin/sendmail
  • Path to mail is: /usr/bin/mail

Test Scripts

Use these test scripts to test your sites script readiness. Thse scripts will provide you with the basic server environment variables that you will need to know if you adding customized scripts to your site.

  • Test.cgi - a sample test perl script.

  • Test.php - a sample test PHP script.

  • myadmin.cgi - a free utility to demonstrate MySQL database access.

    Free Scripts

    If you do not have CGI access you may still use two shared CGI scripts provided by Infinet. One is a form to email script and the other is a page counter. For more information on how to use these please see select them in the Scripts option of this page's navigation bar.

  • Infinet