Edmonton Guitar Lessons for the aspiring musician

Guitar Lessons, Ukulele Lessons & Bass Lessons

Ready to Country, Rock, Pop and Blues?

Learn to play your favorite songs

Guitar lessons customized for all ages and abilities
Acoustic, electric, ukulele & bass lessons

Guitar Lessons Edmonton

Are you in search of lessons with a seasoned, enthusiastic, andGoogle Customer Rating for Edmonton Guitar Lessons provided by guitar instructor Billy B. committed guitar instructor? Look no further than guitarinstructor.ca, where your guitar learning experience is tailored completely to your needs. Whether you’re starting from scratch or a seasoned guitarist aiming to delve deeper into theory or enhance your skills, I’m here to guide you.

Every student learns differently, especially when it comes to acquiring new skills like playing the guitar. That’s why I specialize in creating personalized guitar lessons for each student. As a teacher, my role is not just to impart knowledge but also to motivate and inspire every individual student.

This approach ensures not only maximum progress but also fosters a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment in each lesson. With custom-tailored lessons, you’ll find yourself making strides in your guitar journey while staying motivated and inspired throughout the process.

Click Here To Book a FREE 15 minute meet & greet session.
Let’s discuss your goals and create a customized plan made especially for you!

Student Testimonials

What my guitar students say

Kari McTavish

Billy instructed my 2 sons in guitar lessons almost every week for almost 7 years! He started coming to our house in Ardrossan in the fall of 2009. He feels like family to us! He is a wonderful instructor that is very kind, patient, supportive, flexible and resourceful. He fits the lesson to the interest of the student which was key to success when the boys were young. He let them choose the genre of music they wanted to play and instructed them accordingly. It was always a positive experience and as soon as he left the boys would practice and look forward to Billy's return! The boy's were involved with many extra curricular sporting activities so the mobile guitar service fit well into our family schedule. He has enhanced our lives through the power of music!

Al Whincup

Billy taught my daughter for six years, starting when she was 10. He is always welcoming and accommodating, making the lessons interesting and fun for her while allowing her to progress at her own pace and keeping her involved and interested as she aged and changed her tastes. She always looked forward to a lesson. He is a good-natured guy who is friendly and easy-going. He is an excellent teacher from whom she learned a lot.

Warren Wakarchuk

I started working with Billy in the summer of 2019. Having come from Toronto I needed a new instructor to help me advance. I am an intermediate player and I have to say in the short time I have been working with Billy I have learned way more than my previous instructor. Billy has taken the time to gauge my ability and has given me new tools and strategies to work on those tunes that I want to learn - also a very patient teacher with serious chops of his own! I have had a few instructors over the years, but Billy is by far the one that has helped me the most with playing the style I am most interested in. He has influences from many genres which really make him knowledgeable and versatile as an instructor.

Michelle Kowalchuk

Billy is an expert musician and instructor who is patient, attentive, and able to customize lessons for each individual. Whatever your musical taste and experience level, Billy will help you learn in a way that is fun, and exactly right for you. Six stars on a scale of one to five!

Devyn Walesiak

Billy is a really great guitar teacher! Each lesson is different depending on what I want to do, whether that be learning a new song or refining theory. I always look forward to my lessons.

Megan Campbell

Billy is a great guitar instructor! He provides an organized and structured practice plan and tailors the lessons to your individual interests. I always leave the lesson knowing what I need to practice and excited about what I am learning.

The Guitar Instructor way of teaching combines some of the BEST TEACHING STRATEGIES, EXERCISES and are more EFFECTIVE than most guitar lessons.

Problems you will have with an average guitar teacher:

  • It will take you longer to learn because you are not being taught how to practice with a purpose
  • Since your practice is ineffective your progress & improvements will be hard to track  
  • You will lose interest quickly
  • You will probably pack your guitar away in the closest and never touch it again

What you will get from an experienced guitar teacher:

  • You will learn how to practice effectively with important key exercises
  • You will be given the right tools and resources to learn at an accelerated pace
  • You will achieve your musical goals much quicker
  • You will play the guitar a lot more and it will become part of your everyday life because you will enjoy playing and you will be good at it too!

About The Guitar Instructor

I have learned a great deal of guitar knowledge throughout my years and have a passion for teaching. I have over 20 years of teaching experience and have been playing guitar for over 40 years.  I started at the young  age of 7 and have played just about everyday since then.

I am acutely aware of the importance of the core fundamentals in learning the guitar. I create personalised practice routines and train guitar students how to practice efficiently so they can learn quickly.

In Studio
Guitar Lessons
Ukulele Lessons
Bass Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Ukulele Lessons
Bass Lessons
skype guitar lessons video 1
In Your Home
Guitar Lessons
Ukulele Lessons
Bass Lessons
acoustic guitar lessons edmonton

Types of students and styles of guitar lessons I provide in the Edmonton area

Adult Guitar Lessons, Kids Guitar Lessons, Electric Guitar Lessons, Acoustic Lessons, Beginner Guitar Lessons, Intermediate Guitar Lessons
Advanced Guitar Lessons, Country, Blues, Classic rock,80’s shredding rock, New rock, Alternative rock and pop

In your home guitar lessons, in my studio guitar lessons, buddy or group guitar lessons, SKYPE guitar lessons, Facetime guitar lessons, Zoom guitar lessons

Edmonton Guitar lessons are available and also in the following areas: Sherwood Park guitar lessons, Fort Saskatchewan guitar lessons, St-Albert guitar lessons and Terwillegar guitar lessons.

20+ years of teaching experience

1200+ students taught

26 000+ lessons taught

Find a teacher who can really help you!

Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate guitar player, finding the right teacher for you is the most important decision you could make. Most students will make a decision on the basis of the location and price. Just because you typed Edmonton Guitar Lessons near me doesn’t mean you’ve got the right match for you. People tend to choose the cheapest teacher who is closest to them. If you want to take guitar playing seriously, this is not the right approach.

Before you choose a music teacher, it is important to know they possess the skills, teaching experience and qualities to teach you properly and effectively. Would you ever choose a physician or a lawyer with price being the main determining factor?

Avoid making any of these 3 mistakes
when selecting a guitar teacher for you or your child!


Look For Experience & Teaching Skills


What guitar teacher should you choose?

You should choose an Edmonton guitar teacher that has excellent teaching skills, teaching experience and a teacher that can help you achieve your musical goals by training you to be better with proper practice exercises and supplying you with the right tools and resources to succeed.[/su_tab]

Avoid These 3 Mistakes


1. Do not choose a guitar teacher based on location.

Choosing a music teacher based on location because it’s close to home is not always the best option. It might be convenient for you but, do they offer proper training and teaching methods? If not, you will be wasting your money.

2. Do not choose a guitar teacher based solely on price.

I understand you want to shop around which is great but If you are looking for the cheapest guitar lessons that’s probably what you will get in return for your money.  Not that all cheap guitar lessons are bad, you might be able to find a couple great teachers but, most of the time they are not serious about teaching, don’t have or haven’t developed the skills to teach effectively. I’ve had my business license for teaching guitar since 1996.  Teaching is the biggest part of my life and I’m serious about teaching and that is what I do!

3. Do not choose a guitar teacher on how well they can play.

Not all great players can teach effectively. I have musician friends who can play circles around me. I know some guitar teachers who can play circles around me. Don’t get me wrong I can play very well and I’ve played some of the biggest stages in Canada and Europe as a touring musician.  But not all great players can teach effectively.  Guess what? I can!


Questions your teacher should be able to answer without hesitation. 

Guitar Lessons in Edmonton

What style of guitar do you teach?

The styles I teach are all closely related.  I teach country, blues, classic rock, 80’s shredding rock, new rock, alternative rock and pop. Although I can play some heavy metal, jazz and other styles I don’t teach them as they are not my speciality. Notice that I don’t teach all styles?

You should beware of any music teacher that says he or she teaches “all styles”. It’s very hard to teach all styles and almost impossible to be great at teaching all of them.

How much experience do you have?

I started teaching when I was 18 or 19. I admit I wasn’t a very good teacher back then compared to now.  Remember all the bad points I made about an average teacher?  That was me and I learned from experience a long time ago. Now in my 40’s I have learned quite a bit over the years about different teaching methods and how I can get students to excel quicker by training them how to practice efficiently and what to practice.

Teachers that don’t give you details about how they will train you or how they will show you how to practice properly probably don’t have much experience at all. 

How will you teach me guitar lessons?

I treat every student differently.  Your first session with me is a FREE session so I can learn more about you.  I want to first assess your playing ability, your music theory knowledge, what bands and artists your like and your short and long-term goals.

Once I have all the information it will be much easier for me to create your own personal lesson plan for learning the guitar.

Teachers that don’t take the time to know more about you as a student and don’t setup a progress plan are probably not your best choice.

What teaching strategies will you use so I can achieve my musical goals?

Everything I have learned from our initial consultation is reviewed.  I will prepare exercises and lesson plans accordingly. For example; If you want to play campfire music, then I will prepare lessons with chord sheets and strumming patterns. If you want to play 80’s shredding rock I will prepare some essential scales and techniques.

Your guitar teacher should have exercises according to your current playing ability in order for you to progress quicker.  

How can you help me practice so It’s effective?

I will teach you how to use your practice time effectively by creating a workbook schedule. When followed properly it will help you learn quicker because it will be focused practice.  You can accomplish much more in less time with this method than you would just picking up the guitar and aimlessly practicing whatever comes to mind. Focused practice is a key to learning.

If all a teacher tells you is to practice more and is not showing you how to practice more effectively they are probably not the right instructor for you. 

A Little Bit More About My Edmonton Guitar Lessons

Why should I choose your guitar lessons over others in the Edmonton Area?

  • I have over 3 decades of experience of playing & teaching guitar lessons.
  • I have effective training & teaching methods that will help you achieve your goals much sooner than an under-prepared or inexperienced teacher
  • You can take advantage of private guitar lessons in my comfortable studio or in the convenience of your home.
  • I offer an open house concept. Parents are welcomed to to stay during the entire duration of the lesson.
  • Parents are encouraged to take lessons with their child as this helps promote practicing for young children learning music.

I teach beginner kids lessons from the age of 7+ and adult lessons for the late blooming aspiring musician. I offer the following types of lessons; electric & acoustic lessons, beginner guitar lessons, intermediate guitar lessons and advanced guitar lessons.

The Edmonton guitar lesson options I offer are; in my home studio, in your home, group lessons and Skype lessons

Are you expensive?

Take my word for it – cheap guitar lessons will cause more damage to your guitar playing skills than any good. When it comes to guitar lessons, it is not the price that matters but the skills and experience of the teacher and the quality of the sessions. A great guitar teacher in Edmonton area comes as a decent price because he/she will require a reasonable payment. If you are serious about achieving the expected results, be ready to spend a little more than what is “cheap.”

However, that doesn’t mean I am the most expensive, but you should also not expect to achieve your goals with cheap guitar lessons!

Do you want to learn how to play an acoustic guitar?

An acoustic guitar is often used for entertaining friends, for a sing-a-long, at the school play or for recital. You have the option of choosing classes for acoustic or electric guitar. One of the advantages of using acoustic guitars is that there is no need to use any additional equipment except a guitar capo.

Read more here about acoustic guitar lessons.

Do you want to learn how to play an electric guitar?

As already mentioned, I offer learning sessions for both acoustic and electric guitars. Electric guitar gives you the best way for creating some more sophisticated sounds. This type of guitar requires some additional equipment like the amplifier and cable. You can play in different styles including country, rock and blues with unique sound. An electric guitar can be used for creating all types of sounds using guitar effects. I provide guitars lessons for beginners in both electric and acoustic guitars, starting with the basic chords and music theory.

Read more here about electric guitar lessons.



Not ready to purchase a guitar?

I can provide an acoustic guitar for the duration of your lessons. Deposit is $100. Money returned when the guitar is returned in good working order.

Guitar Lesson Options

Do you offer in my home guitar lessons?

Yes, I offer in your home guitar lessons in and around Edmonton Area. Please check the radius of the area in this map that is covered under in-home guitar lessons. The guitar lessons in your home are totally customizable.

  • One on one
  • Group Lesson (up to 3)
  • Or 2 lessons split at 30 minutes each if you have 2 students.

Do you offer group lessons?

Yes, I offer group guitar lessons to groups of 4 students or more. I also offer lessons to schools and communities in the Edmonton area. Such programs have a commitment of only 4 weeks with an open option to continue further.

Do you have a studio for lessons?

Yes, I do in my studio guitar lessons in North East Edmonton just off Yellowhead and Hermitage road. Students come for their lessons from all around the greater Edmonton area including Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert and Fort Saskatchewan.

Our students claim that the quality and the deeper insight they receive from my lessons are more important to them than the small inconvenience of having to drive. There is a sitting area for parents in the music room so parents can stay during the lessons.

Do you offer Skype lessons?

Yes, I offer Skype guitar lessons. Live video lessons are just like one on one lessons except you aren’t in the same room.

What do you need to start?

  1. A guitar.
  2. A PayPal account.
  3. Preferably, a PC/Mac with high-speed internet, webcam, microphone, and headphones.
  4. The latest version of Skype.

What are the basics of your guitar lessons Edmonton for beginners?

If you are a beginner I will teach you the basics of guitar playing in addition to creating custom lessons to meet your specific goals. The lessons will also be modified as per the progress. The basics can include the following:

  • Parts of the guitar
  • Fretboard logic
  • Tuning methods
  • Basic music theory
  • Playing techniques
  • Acoustic guitars vs electric guitars or bass
  • Chord forms
  • Proper practice techniques
  • Rhythms

What are the basics of your Edmonton guitar lessons for intermediate students?

If you are an intermediate student, my lessons can be customized to include all or any of the following:

  • Filling up all the gaps. Improving comprehension of basic concepts and the playing techniques.
  • Equipment, strings, signal processors and amplifiers
  • Introduction to basic scale patterns
  • Left hand techniques – vibrato, slide, bends, hammer-ons, release etc.
  • Tracks with more complicated techniques
  • Improvising – runs, riffs, licks; building solo
  • Song repertoire
  • Advanced rhythms/grooves

What are the aspects of your lessons for advanced guitar players?

If you are a:

  • Hobbyists or recreational guitarists who have higher playing proficiency and knowledge.
  • Working professional guitarists performing regularly.
  • If you are an advanced player, you can learn new and innovative concepts and approaches to playing methods, improvising and composing.

I give advanced students the opportunity to choose from the following:

  • Harmonic Analysis
  • Comping
  • Voice Leading
  • Melodic Phrasing
  • Solo transcription
  • Modes
  • Composition
  • Ear training

Or anything else they might want to learn about.



Best Guitar lessons in Edmonton located near  Yellowhead & Victoria Trail

Guitar lessons are available in the following areas.
Sherwood Park | St Albert | TerwillegarFort Saskatchewan | Gibbons