Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I pay? At our location South Winnipeg 75 Lowson Cres.

2. How can I pay? Cash, Debit, Bank Draft, Money Order or E-Transfer to

3. What phone number should I call? The number to call is 204-688-8604

4. If I need information about my Tickets who do I contact? To get specific information on the tickets you need to contact the Winnipeg Parking Authority by calling 311 or by emailing them at

5. What happens if I don't pay? After 20 days a tow truck will arrive and seize your vehicle.

6. What will happen to my vehicle after it has been seized? Your vehicle will be scheduled for Public Auction to cover unpaid parking tickets, administration fees, bailiff fees, Towing and Storage. The Lien does not end if the sale of the vehicle does not generate enough revenue to cover all "Costs".