mr mch — User Acquisition, from the trenches

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User Acquisition, from the trenches

(This post is inspired by a question I received on (original link). A few people found it valuable, so I thought I might repost it with more context.) Edit: some conversation on hacker news

Sendwithus is a startup, 11 months in, and (like any startup), our primary challenge is growth (read: user acquisition) – how do we let more people know about the massive pain we solve for them. It boggles my mind that some people still put HTML emails in their source code, or build email A/B testing in house… but that’s a whole post into itself.

Back on topic, @dshan (an early customer of ours and all around smart guy) asked what our user acquisition strategy is. Below is my cleaned up response, with additions.

We started with a strong partnership with @SendGrid, which sent us a steady stream of (unpaid) referrals from day 1. As we started growing, we added additional partners (Mailgun, MailChimp/Mandrill, soon Dyn) who did the same. Fun growth hack here is posting on the Uservoice/support forum for partners, answering questions, helping out the support team :)

Once we launched with Stripe, we saw a good jump in organic signups, especially around some of the blogging we were doing. The HackerNews post on our Stripe integration STILL sends us zero touch paid signups, weekly.

All along we’ve been doing really targeted cold emailing – if we are using a service and notice that the transactional/triggered emails could be better, we’d reach out. This has brought us some of our highest value customers, never overlook the power of just reaching out to people.

We’ve evolved to a point where organic signups are eclipsing both referrals and cold emails in volume, so we’re putting an extra focus there (much much better blog content, releasing some really cool case studies). My hypothesis is that a lot of our early work on message board/support forums has lead to great SEO, but it’s hard to conclusive numbers here.

Looking to the future, Sendwithus has many natural partners that operate tangentially to transactional messaging; additional partnerships will create value for even more businesses, and additionally give us greater spread in our content. Anecdotally, we’ve been told that partnerships don’t work for startups. Investors have told us that repeatedly. I think if they’re PART of your strategy, and the values are truly aligned, it can be pretty powerful.

Something we’re playing with now, SEO wise, we’ve been using targeted Slideshare presentations, combined with keyword-rich short Youtube videos (45s), adwords, and matching landing pages has been (ex: Drip campaigns for Mailgun). Results TBD. (So far, pretty good!)

Edit: some conversation on hacker news

Let me know your thoughts; twitter @mrmch or email

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