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Outpouring of Living Water Book

Marlene Wilkinson Shares with her readers these words,

"There is a thirsting in my soul, and in the souls of many others around the world, for more of the Living Water, Jesus Christ. He is looking for people who are calling out for more of His presence. Along with others, I have felt the waves of His glory and cry for more of His outpouring. 
There has been a strong urge from the Holy Spirit to write this book. I pray you will want to be filled to overflowing daily. The floodgates have broken open for many. They are experiencing revival, renewal, times of refreshing, a cleansing, a joy, and new freedom like never before. I have met people who love to 'Drink at the Fountain'. The waters are being stirred. It's time to jump in and experience all that God has for you. Don't hold back, for Christ wants to release a great outpouring upon your life! 

I have been so blessed to have been in glorious meetings where the Holy Spirit has moved in a powerful way. We are living in days when floods and waves of Living Water are being poured out, and we are daily thirsting for more."

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