Andrea Basedow


I am making this realization daily and love to share being a facilitator in the process of healing and re-covering our true nature of well-being

Aligning with our pure  p o t e n t u a l i t y

Through my personal physical sensation of dis-comfort, pain and different labeled dis-eases , I entered into numerous healing modalities which lead from the physical body to the Mental body to the Spiritual/Soul-body

….a big breakthrough the constant Aha! , amazing moments of realizations/comprehensions of connectedness..

What does it take? Considerations and willingness to love in the healing process, live and be well.

The solution: A medicine of health

The realization: self-health

Who is in service of whom?

Re-connect with oneness, wholeness.

Realizing that everyone and everything is ‘energy-vibration’ I was launched into the vast in-form-ation field of Energy-Medicine.

I have practiced Integrative Natural Medicine for most of my life and this shall continue given grace and a natural loving attraction to be in and of service. I am indebted to my patients. Their confidence and trust in me is moving me greatly and is encouraging me to always learn more so that I can better inform them even in areas that are not my field of specialization. They are kind enough to share their life experiences with me, i am grateful to be able to expand and share freely and unconditionally.

I feel that I have enrolled in the school of life.  Complementary Medicine is a study for everyone to gain knowledge of in our times of not so satisfying mainstream medicine approaches although this has its valuable place in specific circumstances for sure.

In the last 15 years I have traveled extensively around the world to learn the Natural Approach, attending 4 World Congresses of Natural Healing where all variety of alternative Natural Health Care information is shared by world leaders in this now widespread field with successful research manifested into evidence of success.

Becoming a member of the “World Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners” has opened the doors widely for my education in this field on a global level. I am so fortunate, having studied over 15 years under the guidance of Sir Prof. Dr. Charles McWillams, , Founder, Chancellor and Chairman of the W.O.N .M. P.

He also instructed me to take a journey to China, India and Sri Lanka, to the Open International University of alternative/complementary  medicine , under the tutelage of Sir. Prof . Anton Jayasurya , who was greatly instrumental in the introduction of Natural Healing Modalities and their legalization in the western world,  primarily Homeopathy and Acupuncture.

Presented with an Award Accolade Order of Excellence at the Unity World Congress of Natural Medicine for the service to humanity, having participated in the cultural life of the global community, to share in scientific advancement and its benefits for humanity, I am humbly willing to take response-ability to share this important information with anyone approaching with a receptive mind and open heart.

My true awakening is continuous as I am becoming more aware each day.

With an enthusiasm to learn the connection of the body/mind/spirt-soul

I was attracted to the association of some of our leading edge teachers in the field of self-realization, such as:

Dr. Deepak Chopra, Carolyn Myss, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Eckart Tolle, Ester an Jerry Hicks, Greg Braden to name a few popular ones .

To all of these amazing voyageurs of self-reliance I am truly grateful for their willingness, sharing wisdom to widen my belief in understanding somewhat, how the truth operates.

Spreading these teachings with integrity here at The House of Healing and everywhere I go with enthusiasm and attraction is my life’s endeavour.

My inspiration is to be in devotional service with love and affection. 

Once again, i would like to acknowledge my immense gratitude towards my past patients, for your confidence in me. You are teaching me about life. Thank you all.

We already all possess the best medicine required to heal and have a choice to apply it, beginning with readiness, willingness and the knowledge to apply our abilities

Love medicine

Enjoy the journey, life is supposed to be fun…(process orientation vs. outcome)

Your ever well-wisher,


Who Am I

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