Scott Dickson


   I entered this physical body on April 21,1954 in Glasgow Scotland, however, there was never a time when I did not exist, nor will there ever be a

time when I will cease to be, as thankfully, I am a unique, eternal individual “Jiva” or spirit soul.

I re-membered that I am not just a physical body and mind in my late teens through powerful experiential trance states evoked by deep meditations

and experimentation with powerful psychotropic / entheogenic substances.

These experiences set into motion an unrelenting search for absolute truth of who and what I really am, what I’m doing here in this world and what my

true purpose here is. My quest eventually led me to India at age 21, having temporarily renounced my desire for worldly status. In India I found many answers to the burning questions within my heart. Although I had been raised Christian and have always loved Jesus with all my heart, (“Jesus loves me”, was for favorite song for most of my very early years), I discovered ancient spiritual teachings and truths that I believe were even Jesus  Christ’s inspiration.

The oldest of spiritual direction, laid down for human kind in primordial times, in the original language of the Earth, (Sanskrit) directly by incarnation of

Divine Being, (God) himself.

These Vedic Scriptures as they are called, contain all absolute knowledge, (Jyana) recorded for the ultimate benefit and enlightenment of all spirit souls,  as a map for our spiritual evolution.

Much of what I had realized in my early trance state experiences were therein contained and explained, confirming for me that these experiences had not been simply imagination or hallucination. Since that time, my life has been a journey of fascination and intrigue as I have forgotten, remembered, fallen then risen, lost and found my direction and it continues to be a miraculous unfolding of discovery and understanding of my “True Self.”

For all of this I am abundantly grateful and humbled by the mercy and grace that has been and continues to be, the momentary arising/ unfolding of my life experience.

Andrea and I met here at the House of Healing in 1991 and subsequently  married in 1996. Both of us have always been, very attracted to spirituality and possess a deep heart felt desire to understand our true higher selves and our relationship with our Creator. Our love for one another has, and always will be centered in the understanding that our love for Divine Being comes first in our hearts and that our love for one another is a reflection of that relationship being enacted here within this material world.

We feel blessed to have come to the realization that we are nothing more than humble servants and that our purpose here, (dharma) and fulfillment will only come from sharing the great gifts that we have been given by causeless mercy and grace, by helping others on their journey of awakening. In this way we hope that by unalloyed devotion, (bhakti) and selfless service we will attain the ultimate goal and capture

the Heart and Love of

The Supreme Personality of Godhead and his eternal consort

the Goddess of Fortune.

We hope that you will help us fulfill our objectives by allowing us into your lives and accepting our modest gestures of service, that we may continue together on this most joyful of quests, returning home, back to Godhead.

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