

-noun, plural -loos.

Great noise or excitement; uproar.

Life at the Condo

Recent Photos

              Anniversary Weekend

              June 2007

Vancouver B.C.

January 2007

Christie’s Must-Read Books

  1. 1.The Heart of Darkness

  2. 2.Little Women

  3. 3.Harry Potter (entire series)

  4. 4.Blindness

  5. 5.Swan Song

  6. 6.Madame Bovary

  7. 7.East of Eden

Darren’s Must-See T.V.

  1. 1. The Office

  2. 2. Criminal Minds

  3. 3. 30 Rock

  4. 4. Numbers

  5. 5. Da Vinci’s Inquest

  6. 6. Battlestar Galactica

  7. 7. Studio 60

Top 7 Neighborhood Eateries

  1. 1.Piece of Cake

  2. 2.Bertie Lou’s

  3. 3.Corbett Fish House

  4. 4.El Gaucho

  5. 5.Carafe

  6. 6.Carlysle

  7. 7.Gino’s

7 Things Darr Hates To Do

  1. 1.Wash the dishes

  2. 2.Talk to telemarketers

  3. 3.Listen to me bitch about stuff

  4. 4.Watch reality t.v. shows

  5. 5.Work on stats homework

  6. 6.Wait for delayed flights

  7. 7.Clean the litter box




Welcome to our home on the web. We hope the hours of entertainment you derive from perusing our site make our Herculean effort to put it together worth it.

The purchase of a new MacBook prompted a redesign of the site. While the look has changed, the same info is still available. We’ve got a section for our cats - if you like cats, you should check it out ‘cuz ours are particularly cute. We have a page for Beauty the wonder dog. She walks, she barks, she eats, she sleeps...she’s all dog, all the time. We have info about our Mini Cooper and our various motoring adventures. David Hasselhoff had KITT, Harrison Ford had the Millennium Falcon - we’ve got Sophie the Great. We’ve got our photos page so you can get your fill on all the amateur photography you can handle. And most recently, we’ve added a section for Henry, the newest and coolest member of our family.


Special thanks for making this site possible go out to:
1. Kevin White, artist extraordinaire, who provided us with the cartoon sketches you see throughout the site. He is a truly talented person who does amazing work.

(B) My husband, whose unending patience and technical expertise solved many issues that cropped up during site construction. Thank you, peasweet.

3) Apple. Without iWeb and my speedy new MacBook this project never would have been completed.

d. Travis Beckham, whom I learned about from Heather B. Armstrong of fame, for providing me with the background patterns for this site.