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Presentation Topics

If you are not determining and cultivating your own corporate culture than rest assured that someone else is and it may not be the culture you want.  Many organizations never come to grips with the issue of corporate culture because it is viewed as being something which is abstract and perhaps unimportant or difficult to develop and implement. The determining and building of a proper corporate culture will guide your organization and every person within it in a positive direction.

Leadership is so vital yet in many instances so misunderstood. Often our own definitions of what constitutes a leader varies very greatly.  It is little wonder that organizations struggle with this issue and at times suffer from its lacking. A look into various management styles and why some work and some do not. Why some management styles work for a while and then become a liability.  As well as at the benefits or consequences that the various styles bring to your organization.

Every manager realizes the importance of proper training but many may not be aware of the actual steps which constitute a productive training and performance evaluation process. Done correctly, training and performance evaluation is a measurable and a positive experience.  We all say that "people make the difference," how do you insure that your people are making the right difference … a positive difference ?  Also an interesting look at "the measure of intelligence".   

Why do some organizations work and why do some struggle ? A look at the various ways in which organizations are structured and the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the various structures. Also, If you are governed by or serve on a board of directors you need to be familiar with how boards work or in all too many cases how they don’t work.  

Many people view the positive or negative things which happen in their lives as isolated occurrences with undetermined causes. Many people operate under the theory that sometimes some things just happen, some good and some bad. In many instances we do not recognize the power that lies within the concept of a "total package person".  We are the creators of our own destinies and of our levels of success and failure.   We also need to recognize that no person is an island onto themselves, we are all dependent on the various relationships in our business and personal lives. These relationships need to be identified and developed.      

From time to time every person or organization will have problems. This we can bank on happening. The answer as to what separates successful people or organizations from those who fall short of success or those who are brought down by things which challenge us, is found in the manner in which we exercise our problem solving skills.  We need to examine the "positive aspect" of when things go wrong in order to benefit from these opportunities for growth.

"“I can’t remember being so uplifted"

"Dynamic speaker …a visionary who touched the hearts of the audience... great passion, humor and a strong message".

"Down to earth, professional, fun and enlightening … inspirational and motivational.
You understood the heart of a business owner … love to have you speak to us again".