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Ian Currie delivers results for his clients through excellence in evidence-based research, analysis and writing. It is the reason why many different Canadian federal government departments, agencies and expert panels have called upon his services (including Industry Canada, Health Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Competition Policy Review Panel, the Telecommunications Policy Review Panel, and the Expert Panel on Federal Support for Business R&D).

Ian also contributed to Canadian public policy development during his employment with the federal public service prior to 2000: with the departments of Finance, Industry, and Regional Industrial Expansion; and as a member of the Canadian negotiating team for the Canada-US free trade negotiations.

Ian is a senior research associate for the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS). The CSLS is an internationally respected non-profit research organization that contributes to a better understanding of trends in living standards through research.  His 2011 study on Government Policies to Encourage University-Business Research Collaboration in Canada: Lessons from the US, the UK and Australia is available on the CSLS website.

Ian received his Honours BA in history from the University of Toronto in 1980 and his MA in Public Administration from Carleton University in 1983. He earned a certificate in international studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1997.

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