terms of service

  1. Users of the site are bound by the following terms of service, which may be changed anytime at the sole discrtion of the site. The latest version and date will be posted on this site. Continued usage of the service implies acceptance of the TOS.

  2. This service allows users to send and recieve SMS text messages on cell phones. From now on both the sender and recipient will be called "the user", and the site will be called "the site".

  3. The content of text messages do not reflect the views of the site. Per the communications decency act of 1996, the site will NOT read, scan, monitor, alter, or filter any text messages, and all message content is the sole responsibility of the sender, even if it is offensive or objectionable

  4. The site assumes no liability or responsibility for the content of messages, or any decisions, actions or events that may occur as a result of using this service

  5. Additionally, while we currently do not do so, The site reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to add promotional messages and/or notices about the Service, the Site or related matters in all or some of the messages transmitted. We will not, however, send additional messages with any of this information.

  6. A user may not (in any way whatsoever) use the service to transmit:
    • Spam, junk email, bulk email, promotions, or other solicitations
    • Content that includes any advertising or marketing materials
    • Content that may be deemed unlawful, threatening, harassing, racist, abusive, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, vulgar, indecent, or otherwise inappropriate, including any messages consituting or encouraging criminal conduct.
    • Content that violates or infringes on the legal rights or copyrights of others
    • Viruses, worms, bugs, or any other computer code that may harm a network, server, computer, software, hardware, or telephone equiptment

  7. A user also agrees not to use the service to attempt to or stalk another person, impersonate another person or entity or misrepresent his/her identity

  8. The site may (at it's discretion) establish general limits concerning number or (or frequency of) messages sent

  9. The site reserves the right to hand over to law enforcement, the information of those found to be in violation of these TOS (upon proper subpoena)

  10. The service is not intended for time critical, lifesaving, investing, or other "important" messages and the site shall not be responsible or liable for any decisions, actions, or events based on text messages, or the failure of delivery of any text messages