About the Jolie-Pitt Kids

On this page, you can find out just about everything you’d ever want to know about the Jolie-Pitt kids, including Maddox, Pax, and Zahara’s birth names, fun facts and trivia about each kid, where their names came from (if applicable) and much more!

Maddoxcooldude Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt

Age: 14

Birthdate: August 5, 2001

Adoption Date: March 2002

Birth Place: Cambodia

Birth Name: Rath Vibol

Nickname: Mad

Fun Facts and Trivia: The eldest of the Jolie-Pitt gang, Maddox has been described by his parents as being “mature”, “nurturing”, a “professional big brother”, and a “real intellectual”. He seems to exude a calm, almost zen-like quality, and seems to have adopted his parents’ stance when it comes to the paps: He may not like them, but has accepted that they’re part of his life and isn’t going to let them get to him too much. He also appears to be following in his parents’ footsteps when it comes to the movie business: He camoed in his father’s film World War Z and will be helping his mother with her latest directorial project: a film about his native country of Cambodia.


Paxhoody Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt

Age: 11

Birthdate: November 29, 2003

Adoption Date: March 2007

Birth Place: Vietnam

Birth Name: Pham Quang Sang

Behind His Name: Shortly after Pax was adopted, Angie revealed that her late mother Marcheline picked his name. Marcheline gave Angie and Brad a list of names she recommended when they were expecting Shiloh, and Pax was one of them. His middle name, Thien, is Vietnamese. Specifically, it is Vietnamese for “sky”, while Pax means “peace”, so Pax’s name means “peaceful sky”. 

Fun Facts and Trivia: Like his sister Shiloh, Pax is quite the daredevil…leading his mother to joke that the sibling duo are “payback” for what she put her own mother through when she was young! Despite that, he appears to have matured quite a bit over the last couple of years- even finally losing some of his intense fear of the paps (which most likely stemmed from him- having been adopted at 3 1/2- being the only J-P kid not to have them in his life since infancy).


ZeestareZahara Marley Jolie-Pitt

Age: 10

Birthdate: January 8, 2005

Adoption Date: July 2005

Birth Place: Ethiopia

Birth Name: Teena Adam

Nickname: Z, Zee Zee

Fun Facts and Trivia: Of all the Jolie-Pitt kids, Zahara had by far the roughest start to life. When she was adopted at the tender age of six months, she was suffering from malnutrition, dehydration, and salmonella poisoning. The baby girl was so sick, in fact, that had Angelina and Brad not opened their hearts and home to her, she almost certainly would have died before her first birthday. Happily, thanks to a hospital stay and the love of her adoptive parents, she not only survived but thrived…and today you would never guess that she barely survived her infancy! In fact, only one thing appears to remain from the early days of the girl who’s been described by her mother as being very “maternal” and “girly”- her famous paparazzi “death stare”!


ShiUNHCRShiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

Age: 9

Birthdate: May 27, 2006

Birth Place: Swakopmund, Namibia

Nickname: Shi

Behind Her Name: In early 2008, Angelina revealed the inspiration behind Shiloh’s first name. Shiloh Baptist was the name Angie’s parents (Marcheline Bertrand and Jon Voight) intended to give their first child. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be, as Marcheline ended up miscarrying that baby. Angelina, however, loved the name and has even used it as an assumed name when staying at hotels. So it was only fitting that she and Brad chose the name Shiloh for their second daughter. Shiloh’s middle name, Nouvel, is thought to be in honor of architect Jean Nouvel, a favorite of Brad’s.

Trivia and Fun Facts: Angelina has described Shiloh (along with her older brother Pax) as being the J-P child most like her personality-wise- and it shows! A daredevil tomboy, Shiloh doesn’t seem to care too much about what others think of her. And she is taking after her mother in one other, very important way as well: According to her father, she is deeply affected by Angie’s humanitarian work…and recently went (with her mother) on her first humanitarian mission!


KnoxlildudeKnox Leon Jolie-Pitt

Age: 7

Birthdate: July 12, 2008

Birth Place: Nice, France

Behind His Name: Knox was the middle name of Brad’s maternal grandfather, Hal Knox Hillhouse. Leon was apparently a name Angie and Brad just liked. “It’s a strong French name,” Brad has commented.

Trivia and Fun Facts: Like his big brothers, Knox appears to be very much a mama’s boy, often holding Angie’s hand and sticking close to her on outings. Perhaps that’s because he has the same personality as another male that likes to stick close to Angie: his father, Brad (Angie has described her youngest son as being the most like her husband personality-wise)! His style of dress is also very much like his father’s, and they even appear to share the same affinity for sunglasses!


Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt

Age: 7

Birthdate: July 12, 2008

Birth Place: Nice, France

Nickname: Viv, Vivi

Behind Her Name: Vivienne was a name that “just came to” Angie and Brad early in the pregnancy according to Brad. Marcheline is obviously a tribute to Angie’s late mother, Marcheline Bertrand. In addition, Vivienne means “live” or “alive”, so her full name quite literally means “Live Marcheline” (Angie’s mother combinded her given names of Marcia and Lynne to make Marcheline, so Marcheline has no specific meaning).

Fun Facts: Perhaps the most “girly” of the Jolie-Pitt sisters, Viv has (according to her mother) an affinity for all things pink…as well as for princesses. Fitting, then, that her first movie role is that of a princess. In her mother’s  film Maleficent, she plays the child version of Princess Aurora (a.k.a., sleeping beauty). And when it comes to acting, the youngest Jolie-Pitt is “a natural” according to her proud parents! Will Maleficent mark the beginning of a long and successful career on the silver screen for Viv? Only time will tell!