Happy Birthday, Shi!

Today is a very special day. Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt turns 3 years old!  In honor of the occasion, here is a look back at her first three years of life!  Please click on the “more” button to view!


In early January of 2006, Angelina reveals some very special news: She and Brad Pitt are expecting their first biological child! Some people are a bit shocked, as Angie once famously said that she didn’t think she’d have any biological kids. A few people are, believe it or not, actually disgusted by the news, as they think that this proves that Angie and Brad were “getting busy” (if you know what I mean!) while Brad was still married. Most people, however, were overjoyed, and waited with baited breath for the arrival of what was sure to be a beautiful baby!












After what seems like forever (if it felt that way to us fans, imagine what it must have felt like to Angie and Brad!), the moment fans have been on pins and needles waiting for finally arrives. In the (very!) early morning hours of May 27th, 2006, Angelina gives birth to a healthy, 7lb baby girl. Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt arrives via C-section (due to being breech) in a small hospital in Swakopmund, Namibia. She joins older siblings Maddox (then nearly 5) and Zahara (then 16 months) Just weeks later, Shiloh is introduced to the world via a spread in PEOPLE magazine (along with it’s U.K. and Australian counter-parts HELLO and WHO). She is, as everyone suspected, gorgeous….and she has her mommy’s full lips! 🙂



















At the tender age of 6 months, Shi is in PEOPLE magazine again, along with her parents and siblings, in a photoshoot done in her big brother Maddox’s homeland of Cambodia. It is in this spread that Shiloh’s nickname is revealed: Shi.


In March of 2007,  nearly 10 month-old Shi helps welcome home the newest member of the Jolie-Pitt family: A 3 1/2 year-old Vietnamese boy named Pax Thien. As if that weren’t enough excitement, Shi also films her first movie role around that same time! She cameos in her father’s film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The twins who were supposed to be playing the role of Benjamin’s (Brad) and Daisy’s (Cate Blanchett) daughter weren’t cooperating one particular day, so Brad allowed Shi (who spent her days on-set with Brad while Angie, accompanied by Maddox and Zahara, was in Vietnam picking up Pax) to step in and do that day’s scene in their place!















In the late Fall/early Winter of 2007, rumors began swirling that Angelina was expecting again. In December, when Shi was seen on a walk with her mommy (and a bag of Cheetos!) in New Orleans, all most people could think about was: “Is she about to become a big sister?” Two months later, Angelina and Brad confirm that a new Jolie-Pitt is on the way….By attending the Independant Spirit Awards and letting Angie’s obvious belly do the talking!  In May, at the Cannes Film Festival, Angie’s Kung Fu Panda costar Jack Black spills the beans (albeit accidentally, and much to his mortification!): Angie is, in fact, expecting twins! ShiViv

On July 12, 2008, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt becomes a big sister for the very first time when Angelina gives birth to Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline at the Foundation Lenval Hospital in Nice, France (at the end of May, some media outlets erroneously reported that Angie had given birth to twin girls named Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane.). On August 4th, Knox and Vivienne are introduced to the world in PEOPLE magazine (along with HELLO in the UK and either WHO or New Idea in Australia)…and the cover includes an inset photo of Vivienne being held by her proud big sister!


















So far, we haven’t seen much of Shi this year, as the J-Ps have been lying low on Long Island. However, she HAS been seen  at Narita airport in Japan with her family (including the twins!), art supply shopping with Angelina and Zahara, toy shopping with Brad and Zahara, attending a performance of The Little Mermaid with her family, and, most recently, grocery shopping with her parents and Zahara. Also, per an article in PEOPLE magazine, Shi is now in preschool (they mentioned that Brad reads to Shi’s classmates at school). Happy birthday, cutie pie!

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