The need for new or expanded facilities often coincides with significant changes within the institution they house. These can include changes or growth in program, audience, organization, and context. It is essential that facility planning be well integrated with and responsive to the dynamics of institutional change. We accept only commissions in which we can share the client's values and aspirations. Most of our work has been with museums, galleries, libraries, and archives. We respect the work of these institutions and we think that this respect leads to an inclusive and healthy development process.

Lundholm Associates recognizes the importance of the interrelationship between institutional development and facility development and can play a role in structuring a process to enable all facets of institutional planning to come together in a logical and creative sequence. We are not ourselves management consultants, market analysts, or business planners, but can draw on a network of professional colleagues to form an appropriate team able to assist the institution through a valid planning process. Our supervision of these specialists ensures that comprehensive attention is paid to issues relevant to facility planning.

In such projects, as in all of our work, the emphasis is on assisting the institution to articulate and achieve its own vision. We do not come with preconceived solutions and we recognize the uniqueness of each institution and community.