Most coaches work from a framework or model that reflects
their approach to coaching and the process they undertake in their coaching practice. My approach to coaching is designed to help you get the results you want for yourself. My coaching style has been described as practical, insightful, instinctive, straightforward, and even a bit edgy. I use targeted coaching skills and strategies to support you in achieving your goals. Those skills are reflected in
the RESULTS Coaching Model I designed through years of experience and research. These skills and strategies are fundamental to my coaching process.

RESULTS Coaching Model

REFLECT on the current situation and determine what the desired change is. I work very diligently with clients to help them get clear about their goals. Knowing what you want is the first step to moving forward.

EXPLORE the options and ways to achieve the desired result and to think through possibilities for change.
I will ask simple, targeted questions that will create awareness and move you into action to achieve your goals. This may also include assessment and other feedback tools.

SUPPORT and encourage taking action and moving forward to the desired future.
As my client, I will hold you accountable for honoring your commitments, and will provide observations and feedback on what
I believe is helping propel you forward, and what is holding you back. I will help you will stay focused and on track with your goals.

UNCOVER blocks along the way that come up and work through any setbacks.

It is not uncommon in coaching to initiate action and find yourself stalling at points along the way. You can loose focus or momentum and start to wonder why you even tried to achieve your goal in the first place. I work closely with you to identify these blocks and to deal with and move beyond them to keep you moving toward what you want.

LEVERAGE the learnings along the road to the goal and the personal strengths that helped achieve the wins.
As you move in the direction of your goals it is not uncommon to have “aha” moments where you realize something about yourself
or your situation, where clarity is brought to something that was fuzzy, or your perspective will be changed on aspects of your work relationships, or other areas of your life. It is fundamental to my approach to coaching to help you make the most of what you learn about yourself to propel you towards whatever you want to achieve.

TAKE ACTION with every session to achieve each step necessary to move forward;
Each coaching session is designed to help you move forward toward your goals. As such the intent will be to have you commit to doing something after every session that will build momentum and get
you closer to what you want to achieve.

SUSTAIN the changes that come from achieving the desired results.
Change is not real if it is not maintained. People are creatures of habit and more often than not, will fall back on old patterns of behavior if the change they desire is not incorporated into their everyday life. I work with clients to ensure that the changes they work so hard to achieve become part of who they are, which drives them to greater success and ability to take on other goals and challenges with greater ease and effectiveness. 2008  All rights reserved.