
Mazas here.

- Week of April 6th.

What a race, what a rush. We literally produced the short film "Among Us" between the Valentine Jam and the St-Patrick Jam! Thanks to the crew, Amy, Chris, Dego, Gary, Louis, Nathalie, Melanie, Raphael, Roger and Me.

It would take a year and a half to make a movie about how it went with the "Among Us" production but just to give you an idea. Our studios were evacuated in the middle of the week for bomb threat, then camera issues, many computer crashes and finally "Among Us" was shipped on March 12th and received by the "Cannes film festival" committee the 16th. Unfortunately no youtube allowed before the festival ends (13-24 MAY 2009).

Meanwhile, we are already working on the next project. A feature film called... " P.U.S.H." That's all I can say for now... And it's a comedy... And get in touch if you'd like to get involved.

Now the Jams , WOW, are we having fun or what. No matter what is your background you will meet interesting people that are so called "Half Full" minded and want to move forward.

I can't say enough about the Jams, anything goes. Pop, Rap, Rock, Jazz, technoimprobeebopfunky kind of. A picture is worth a thousand words Valentine pictures and St-Patrick video (sorry for the image quality but party first).

Now part of the Mazas Jam: The "Kickstart Your Dream" challenge. Every time you step up on the stage you automatically enter for a chance to win the 2009 "Kickstart Your Dream" grand prize. The more you step up the more chance you get to win. What is the grand prize? -3 smash hit songs recorded at the Mazas studio, -1 Photo shoot including head shot, -1 full HD music video, -1 web site hosted on the Mazas Network. Stay tuned, a web site with all the details is currently under construction.

Slowly but surely , the network keeps growing. Christine Solar is a great make-up artist, an editor and also an actress. Gary Grigg was our main character in "Among Us" and last but not least, Dawn Tyndall. Her profil is not ready yet but her website is.

Coming soon the pictures of the April Jam and "The new Mazas opening page".

Last but not least I'd like to add. More then ever the light inside us has to shine, Let there be light! Join the Mazas revolution

Again Thx to all the feedbacks,

That's it for this Friday April 10.

Keep dreaming,


Mazas here.

- Week of February 2nd 2009.

For those who haven't seen the January Jam pictures yet, There they are!!! The Jam was a Blast, with Sarah Starr and Keep 6 plus all the usual suspects. Get involved as soon as you can. The Jam is for everyone and anyone so step up and come Jam with us every first Saturday of the month.

Louis "The Snake" Plante will arrive in time for the Valentine Jam. February 7th, Jam Night is dedicated to valentine but it is also the beginning of the production for the film "Among Us". Louis is the writer of "Among Us" and after months of preparation we are finally ready to start the shooting. We are hoping for good weather as we are scheduled for the third week of February.

The Mazas Music site is redone! New colours, new vibe, send us your testimonials... Again thanks to all of you who spent time sending us inputs about the websites. We hope you'll enjoy it

New partners this month, Raphael Cohen , Tim Brown and Billy Wong are among them. As usual see all profile on mazas.ca. Talking about profile, when are you getting yours??? join the Mazas revolution now.

Again Thx to all the feedbacks,

That's it for this Friday February 6.

Keep dreaming,


Mazas here.

- Week of December 15th.

Yess! The Jam night has been launched and we already had two since the last update.

The Jam Night is hosted at Mazas Music studio , every first Saturday of the month. Bring your instruments, your voice, your ears, your friends, your drinks and enjoy a casual music night at the studio. The Jam Night calendar provides you with all the dates you need to know, keep watching as Roger Harrison will be posting our guests.

A very special thanks to all of you who spent time sending us inputs on the newsletter and the Mazas Entertainment site. Every comments were good, the site reflects your inputs, plus everybody agreed on once a month for the newsletter so here it is.

Every month has its share of new partners, last month wasn't any different. Luchie, a Jazz singer/piano player who's main focus is latin music, Francesca and Shannon, two very talented singers and Keith from "Five Star Kidd Production" are among the new people we've meet last month. Keith has his own hip-hop studio and is currently working on a bank of beats (rhythm section songs). Luchie is working on a CD project, Shannon and Francesca are working on their voice and future recording project. We should see their profile on mazas.ca very soon. Talking about profile, we have new profiles up and more on the go, join the Mazas revolution now.

The main page, Mazas.ca has been reorganized to include the Jam Night and as last month saw Mazas Entertainment getting redone, this month will see Mazas Music.com . Again we like any input on the matter.

The film "Among us" is well on its way. We secured our locations, our shot list/story board is done, casting is half-way done and we are interviewing cameraman to find our DOP (director of photography).

For those who have been waiting for the Liquid Nitrogen CD, do not despair. Roger and I are currently working on a multi-artist project, we should have some news for you early "09.

Finally, the entire Mazas organization is wishing every single one of you a very special Christmas, have some good time and line yourself up for an uphill 2009.

Again Thx to all the feedbacks,

That's it for this Monday December 15.

Keep dreaming,


Mazas here.

- Week of November 3rd.

Ahh! Finally the I'm in love video on the Mazas’s site is uploaded and ready for viewing.

We spent 404 hours all together perfecting this video and we are very proud of it. The gallery page has been redone for the video with pictures from the party and the shooting sessions. Despite the rain, the launching party was a success Everybody had a blast, the last guys left at 3:30 am, not counting the two who slept over…

Check out the R6 burnout video and witness the difference in "views" between two movies that are basically the same but one presented as a "how to" . The main page, mazas.ca has been redesigned with our friends in mind and mazasentertainment.com is finally on. The Mazas Entertainment site will go through a massive redesign and should include samples, videos, rates/investment, etc. We would like to have your input on the matter, let us know what information you think we should include on the site. While you're at it let us know at which frequency the newsletters should be handed-out?

Electron-X sold the “O2 Management System”, the prototype we were designing over the last year. Unfortunately that’s all we can tell you because the buyers have to keep it under cover until they get their patent number. The next project is a battery based on semi-perpetual motion and rare earth magnet. We truly believe that we can change the way we use energy as a society if we can make this project work.

We are now officially working on a short film for the famous Cannes Film Festival named "Among us". Raphael Cohen has joined the project as director, the script is done, locations are selected. We are in the process of getting permits from the city to shoot in their downtown, then casting...

Finally, we are launching the Mazas Jam night. It will be organized by Roger Harrison, hosted at the Mazas's facility. Stay posted for dates.

Thx to all of you for the feedbacks, it really makes my day when I get your pics, songs, comments. Thx!

Well... That's it for this Monday November 3.

Keep dreaming,


Mazas here.

- Week of June 1st.

April & May have been so busy we could not keep up with the news, but now here we go.

We have been able to focus more precisely on what is the purpose of the Mazas network. Mazas.ca is becoming a place for resources & services therefore we have redone most of the site. We've adapted the menu bar to be more centered towards our partners, the individual pages have been updated with better backgrounds, better details and more precise information. The Fast & Loud CD is finally available for sale on the site and we have new artists joining. We are also working on individual song downloads for $0.99. We've done a lot for the web site to look better and work better.

There is still a lot to do and we appreciate your input!!!

On a more personal note we have meet Christine Solar, a very talented make-up artist with lots of ideas. Her profile should be available in our partners tab very soon. We have done some shooting for a fashion show featuring Roger as one of the models. The studio has been remodeled in order to work on both music and videos at once. Billy Wong is our new video director, Billy won the "Cinematographer of the year" at the UBC film festival and the interesting thing is that as we were getting organized with Billy when we met Joie Bratz. Joie is a Country/Rock singer and she was at the point of making a video. So without hesitation we put the crew together and got going with storyline. The shooting is planned for mid-june and we hope the video will be done by the end of the month. This is not going to be another youtube video but a MuchMusic ready video.

lIn an effort to stay focused we decided to shut down SS insulation. At this point we'll shelf it but it might be reborn later under SS sound proofing then the focus would be toward recording studio sound proofing. The profit share we were talking about in the last letter is still in the air but we are working on legal issues. Our Louis "The Snake" had some complication with his lungs a few weeks ago, for those who don't know The Snake had a lung transplant surgery done in November 2006. Everything is fine now but we were worried for a while therefore the prototype is closer then it was but not where we were hoping it would be. "Liquid Nitrogen" is moving but we are now pushing the launching towards the end of the summer for sake of keeping a smooth schedule.

These update are getting longer and longer... I promised I would keep it short so...

... That's it for this Tuesday June 3.

Keep dreaming,


Mazas here.

- Week of March 10th.

Wow, what a month. We had so much happening since last time I don't know where to begin.

New peoples are joining the network almost everyday. Ron is one of them, me & Ron have been friend for a while now and last time we met we spoke about some of the projects going on. When I mentioned the launching party of "Liquid Nitrogen" Ron got fired-up. Loaded with good ideas he took under himself the organization of the whole thing. Keep posting your info as the guest list is growing quickly.

As you noticed the merchandise page is NOT up and running yet. We are working on it patiently but some technical details are taking longer then we taught. All my apologies for the delays. Another very exciting thing we're working on is a "sales share" based out of our business cards. Basically, you'll make money by sharing our cards. We had multiple meetings with different networks to see how we can apply sales share to our network. The structure and rates are already established, I should be able to give you a full update next month.

Expanding our network is one of our highest priority and we're always coming-up with new ways to do it. The latest is to get involved with new businesses unrelated to Mazas. Yupa is the happy owner of a Thai restaurant called "All Thai'd Up. Planning on opening the restaurant in April, she will post our signs and carry our business cards while we post "All Thai'd Up" in our Partners/Link a simple way to help each others. Contact us if you'd like to do the same.

More on the update side, "Liquid Nitrogen" is well on it's way, to get a taste go on myspace then select the song MRS. The prototype I was mentioning last month is almost done. The hardware is completed and the programming is almost there. The next step will be getting the "patent", now that might take forever as it involves government...Some of you mention that "text-link" was not straight forward enough, therefore the "Link" page has been updated to "picture-link"after your requests. Also check the Gallery for the latest pictures of Roger and Andrew.

Well, I could carry on forever but I promised myself I would keep it simple therefore...

... That's it for this Wednesday March 12.

Keep dreaming,


Mazas here.

This is the first in a series of updates from me to you, my friends out there.

- Week of February 4th.

It was amazing. I went to Sherbrooke, Qc and met a bunch of good old friends and partners. I had to see the progress "The Snake" was making with our latest prototype. For the sake of industrial secrecy I can't give you any info on the proto but I can tell you it is coming along great.

A lot of you know we want to open a club or a pub of some sort. The question remained: "what kind". I took advantage of the fact I was back east to visit some busy clubs and gather some info. Spent some time at the "Boston Bar" where I met a wonderful lady name Isabelle. Isabelle is a dancer and man, is she on fire! Keep checking our videos, we will definitely feature Isabelle in one of our future project.

I've been working on my next Techno CD "Liquid Nitrogen". It should be available to you in a few months. We'll launch the CD with a mega-party in a warehouse and we'll be filming everybody on the dance floor for the video. Get in touch with us by clicking on contact us to be on our guest list for that amazing dancing night. By the way, keep checking the merchandise page as the "Fast & Loud" CD will be available in the next couple days. We'll be updating the page as we go.

We will be launching a casual evening wear line hopefully this summer. Our designers are already working on logo placement. It could start with simple Mazas t-shirts but the line should capture the essence of a night out between casual and formal.

Well That's it for this Thursday February 4.

Keep dreaming,