Dr. Mohamed Soliman
IV Sedation
Frequently Asked Questions about IV Sedation

Q: Can any dentist performs IV Sedation?
A: No. Although intravenous sedation is extremely safe when administered by qualified providers, the use of IV Sedation in dentistry is carefully regulated by the Alberta Dental Association. To perform these advanced sedative techniques, special training and clinical experience is required and dentists must also be trained in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Approval to perform IV Sedation requires our office to be specially equipped with emergency equipment and medications. Dr. Mohamed Soliman has an ECG monitor to observe your heart rate, a pulse oximeter to monitor oxygen saturation and an NIBP to monitor blood pressure. To provide the highest level of sedation care our office contains more emergency equipment than required by provincial regulations.

Q: Is IV sedation guarantee to work on everyone?
A: No guarantee for any type of sedation, the doctor will help you decide.

Q: Is IV sedation for everyone?
A: This therapy is especially useful for those who:
experience medium to severe anxiety in anticipation of pain or discomfort
have had difficulty in the past with local anesthetics not working for them
find it difficult or uncomfortable to keep their mouth open for prolonged periods
find it very uncomfortable to have hands and instruments in their mouths
have difficulty controlling their gag reflex
have time constraints and require multiple procedures in fewer, or just one, appointment

Q: Will I really be totally relaxed?
A: Yes. You'll receive just enough sedation so that you'll be relaxed and unconcerned about the dental treatment.

Q: Will I remember anything?
A: Typically, no. At the end of the treatment, you'll have little or no memory of what was accomplished.

Q: Will I feel any pain?
A: Most patients experience no discomfort whatsoever during treatment and feel surprisingly good afterwards.

Q: What treatments can I have under sedation?
A: We can do it all - wisdom teeth, composite fillings,implants, crowns, bridges, even teeth cleaning.

Q: Is dentistry using IV sedation safe for me?
A: We'll review your medical history and if necessary, consult with your medical doctor to be sure, and you'll be constantly monitored while under sedation.

Q: Will my insurance cover it?
A: It's best to check with your dental plan provider. However, we'll review your coverage and, if necessary, make financial arrangements so you get the care you need.

Q: Are there other forms of sedation?
A: Yes. The doctor will help you decide which method is best for you and your dental needs. Other Sedation options include oral or inhalation techniques.

Other Sedation Methods:

Inhalation Sedation:
In one form of conscious inhalation sedation, nitrous oxide gas (also known as laughing gas) is used to induce a state of relaxation. A local anesthetic will be administered in combination with nitrous oxide sedation to eliminate pain.

Oral Sedation:
Oral sedative medications such as midazolam can be given to a patient the night before a dentistry procedure or 30 minutes to an hour before the dental appointment, depending on the severity of the anxiety. Oral sedatives do not provide pain relief, so an injection of local anesthetic will also be administered.

General Anesthesia:
This method of dental sedation refers to the use of anesthetic to render the patient unconscious. Unlike other sedation methods, the patient will be completely unaware of his or her surroundings, making the use of local anesthetic unnecessary.
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