February 8, 2010

Today was my introduction to the Vancouver transit system. After a short 10 minute walk to the Canada line, I hopped on the train and proceeded downtown. After getting off the train and turning around twice I located East Hastings St. and the bus that I was to take to the uniform pickup location. I arrived there early, 8:30am.

It opened at 9:00am on the dot. By 9:30am I was standing outside, dazed with my uniform, all registered. From there I took the bus back to downtown to find the location for the tickets to the dress reherseal for the opening ceremonies. The GPS told me it was 3.3 kms way, but while looking for the street to take the bus on, I located the building, so it was not that far. Good thing as I was carried a heavy load, uniform and other goodies that we were given. I got the tickets, only allowed two and a bottle of wine???, and was off to the train again.

After an uneventful ride back I was in my room by 11:00am.

Below are some pictures that I have taken of the uniform. It consists of a jacket, vest, two long sleeve t-shirts, pants and a touque. I also have included a picture of the swag that was given to us.

Swag and stuff

Vest Front and Back

Long Sleeve T-shirts


Coat Front and Back

One size fits all Touque (not me)

Me in my uniform, with and without the coat.

My accreditation is NOT shown due to security reasons, the picture is really BAD and the name is wrong.

Note to work, by the time I get back I will be trained NOT to answer to Duncan.