Request for Information

Note: If more than one facility is to be considered for registration, please describe each location on a separate form.
Legal Company Name
Mailing Address
City Postal/Zip Code
Facility Location (if different from above) Postal/Zip Code
Telephone Fax
Contact Name Title
1. Are you currently Registered?

If yes, Registrar:
    If yes, Certificate expiry date
2. Please check the standard(s) for which you require registration.

3. Frequency of Audits:
4. Optional Services: (typically 0.5 day) (typically 1.0 day)
5. Describe the processes and/or services intended to be included in the scope of the quality system (i.e. what your business does).
6. Are statutory and/or regulatory requirements applicable to your Company?
6. Size of Operations:
Facility: Number of Employees:
7. If there is more than one shift, please indicate number of employees on each shift and the shift hours.
8. Are you currently a CWB client?
Other affiliation:
9. How did you hear about QUASAR?

- please specify:
- please specify:
- please specify:

- please specify: