


Thousands of Bibles are being delivered to six of the former 15 Soviet Republics Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia/Siberia 


Formed in 1922, the Soviet Union has varied in size and the number of Republics over the years. However from 1956 until its dissolution in 1991 the Union consisted of 15 Republics. This Russian-dominated Union soon became one of the most powerful and prominent countries in the world. However, when the USSR collapsed, all 15 Republics gained their independence, although some had broken away a year earlier.

Throughout its history the Soviet Union brutally suppressed and persecuted Christians. Millions were ruthlessly slain for their faith. Consequently today, except for the three Baltic Countries, the other 12 have less than 2% which are Protestant Christians; most of these Nations are dominated by Islam.

All 15 are in need of the Gospel and the Word of God; some more than others. Page three details the spiritual climate of the six where we are financing Bibles.



Jesus said, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15

This is not a suggestion but a commission, a command! But how has Christianity responded? Unfortunately there has more abandonment than obedience! 



The following is validated by some of the most highly respected Christian organizations.

1. There are over three billion people in our world without any knowledge of Jesus Christ, and in all likelihood, they will never hear anything about our Lord. They have no idea Jesus loves them, died for them and has provided salvation through His death on the Cross. If you calculate all the people who reside in North America, South America and Europe, and then double it, you are nearing 3 billion people.

2. There are approximately 7,000 unreached people groups in the world – that’s 42% of the world’s population. An unreached people group is a region, community, state or country, where less than 2% of the residents are followers of Jesus.

3. Although households in North America average about 4 ½ Bibles, nearly 4,000 languages are without the Bible in their tongue (one in five people). These language groups are small but they still represent more than a billion people. Voice of the Martyrs states, “There are 52 countries where the Bible is illegal or severely persecuted”. In many countries the vast majority don’t have a Bible even though it is translated into their language. Millions are without even a single verse of the Scriptures! That’s shocking!

4. Today billions are trapped in false religions, and their only hope is the power of the Gospel. Here are some appalling facts as reported by Bethany Global. There is only -

One missionary for every 405,000 Muslims

One missionary for every 260,000 Buddhists

One missionary for every 179,000 Hindus

Romans 10:14 asks, “How can they believe in one of whom they have not heard?” The lack of Christian involvement, especially in these areas is shameful!

5. In the last 40 years over one billion have died having never heard of Jesus, and that will increase by another 30 million this year. (Bethany Global)

6. Less than one half of one percent of all Church offerings are utilized to reach those in the unreached areas of the world. Tragically, North Americans spend more money on Halloween costumes for their pets than reaching the unreached. 

The Whole Situation is Deplorable!


 (Most Before Christmas)

KAZAKHSTAN – 72% Islam, 22% Orthodox

‘Open Doors’ lists Kazakhstan as - “A Country where it is most dangerous to follow Jesus”. Although Bibles have been virtually disallowed in the past, this year the Kazakh Government decided to permit the printing of a limited number. We are thrilled with this opportunity and are taking advantage of it!

TAJIKISTAN - 94% Islam, less than a half of 1% are Protestant Christians

Their official language is Tajiki or Farsi, a Persian language. Farsi is also the language of Iran and is spoken in northern Afghanistan. There are also 14 million Tajiks who reside outside the Country, so the Scriptures we provide may well be dispersed to numerous countries in Central Asia.

KYRGYZSTAN – 93% Islam, less than 1% Protestant

The Christians in Kyrgyzstan are often persecuted by members of their own family, the community and others, including Muslim leaders; while Christian converts are commonly beaten. (Voice of the Martyrs) Scholars generally agree about 20,000 Muslim Kirgiz have converted to Christianity. 

Underground Church in Kyrgyzstan 

GEORGIA – 83% Georgian Orthodox, 10% Islam

There are no precise stats for the number of Protestants in Georgia but most Church leaders claim they represent less than 1% of the total population of 3,700.000. SIBERIA (RUSSIA) – 80% Russian Orthodox, 10% Islam Recent stats indicate that approximately 1.5% of Russia’s population is Protestant. Over the years we have funded thousands of Bibles for Russia, while this fall we financed several shiploads to Siberia.

UZBEKISTAN – 95% Islam

Only 1% of the residents are evangelical Christians. Followers of Christ operate in a climate of harassment and fear due to severe religious restrictions. ‘Voice of the Martyrs’ declares, “Bibles are difficult to obtain in Uzbekistan and risky to own”.



Government restrictions in Macedonia forced Jimmy’s Team to alter their evangelistic plans. However, they were able to conduct several open-air services, one in which 79 people received Christ as Saviour! Hopefully, restraints will be reduced soon, as they are planning crusades for the early part of the New Year. 


Churches are being established throughout Siberia. That’s thrilling! This fall we transported hundreds of Bibles to seven new Churches in Siberia’s far-east, for the new converts and evangelistic outreach. 


Bible Distribution/Evangelism in Siberia 


In November we also had the privilege of funding hundreds of Bibles for Mongolia, as well as 3,000 Bibles for Bulgaria. This fall has been and continues to be an extremely rewarding time for our ministry. 

MREE UPDATE Ministry to Russia and Eastern Europe SUMMER 2020





Amid the COVID 19 PANDEMIC many have encountered severe hardships. Nowhere is this more evident than among the Roma/Gypsy people in places like Bulgaria. Bulgarian people have been forbidden to leave their residences. They will be severely fined if found out of their homes without a justifiable reason.

The Irish Times states, “In Bulgaria and Romania, police have introduced special control over certain Roma districts that are seen as potential covid 19 hotspots, because many residents have recently returned from western European states that have high infection rates and because quarantine and social distancing rules are allegedly being flouted”. (Most are returning from part-time work in Europe.)

When they are at home, the majority of Roma depend on working as day labourers, collecting recyclable articles, trading at markets, etc. – the kind of work they can’t do now. The Roma/Gypsy people are poverty stricken for the most part and simply not prepared for such an emergency.



For many their cupboards are empty and they have little or nothing to eat. Most have no social or human-Icarian organization to help them. Bishop Christov says, “Hunger is a greater threat than the fear of covid 19, and the situation could become very dangerous. Starving people are capable of doing anything”.

Recently a mother entered his Church and laid down in front of the altar crying. She refused to leave, stating her family had nothing to eat and were starving! Christov says, “Roma/Gypsy people are more likely to die from starvation than the covid 19 virus”.



We can’t solve the Roma/Gypsy hunger problem. But that doesn’t excuse us from doing something, especially in the Razlog area of Bulgaria where we have ministered extensively for the past 25 years (see the map on page 3). It is impossible for us to turn a deaf ear to their cry for a piece of bread! The summer growing season will bring some relief but at the present time their situation is critical.

Consequently, we have promised to provide 11,000 loaves of bread! Some funds have already been wired to them and bread has been purchased. Photos on the next page show early recipients. However, several thousands of dollars are still required. A donation of $10.00 will provide about 15 loaves of bread ($100.00 - 150 loaves). How many loaves can you supply? Thank you for your consideration.


We are not a humanitarian organization, and must maintain our primary call and mandate of funding Bibles and sharing the Gospel. That can never change or be altered! This is a one-time appeal, but we believe it is the Christian thing to do – we trust you agree. At the same time it is another opportunity to present the message of Christ. Our Bulgarian leadership has assured us, “No loaf will be given without the Gospel being shared! Your gift no matter how small or great will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Of course all funds designated for Bibles will be honoured.


In Matthew 25, Jesus says – “I was hungry and you gave me meat - inasmuch
as you did it unto one of the least of these my brethren you did it unto me”.






“Other seed fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some
a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.” Matthew 13:8




A few days prior to the covid 19 virus striking Bulgaria, the small community of Krumovo experienced a spiritual phenomena – an incredible act of God’s grace! In a series of evangelistic services, the entire village embraced the Christian Gospel.

Sometimes we expend our energy and resources in ministry, and it all appears to be futile. However, Paul rejected such thinking by declaring in 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”.

Bishop Christov called a few days ago, to report a supernatural act of God in the small village of Krumovo. It was in the realm of the HUNDREDFOLD. He declared the entire community responded to an appeal to receive Christ. He stated he has never seen such an overwhelming response in his 30 years of ministry. Krumovo is a village of 300 located in southeastern Bulgaria, south of the city of Yambol.

He said the harvest, at least in part, was directly due to MREE’s recent ministry and activity in the cities of Stara Zagora, Sliven and Yambol. They are all within 75 miles of Krumovo (see the map below). We have delivered thousands of Bibles and Gospel tracts to these three communities.






We are very thankful for your partnership and sacrificial gifts. Your missionary offerings have been planted in good soil. In some areas it has taken a little longer, but now we are enjoying the harvest. The spiritual miracle that took place in Krumovo was of supernatural proportions! We rejoice in the faithfulness of God!

Christov asked if we could provide Bibles for these people who do not have the Word of God! I assured him it would be a privilege. Although this request represents only a small portion of the Bibles we will finance this year – perhaps no need is more vital.

Printing and delivering Bibles for Krumovo will cost approximately $2,500.00. They will be delivered as soon as the virus regulations are relaxed. You or your Church may feel challenged to provide some or all of the Bibles required for this community. That would be thrilling! Should more funds be designated than necessary, the excess will be directed to one of our other Bible projects!


The Bibles have been ordered –
they will be delivered soon –
what an investment opportunity!












“If anyone is in Christ ….he is a new creation” 2 Corinthians 5:17



Silva was a high school teacher, born and raised in the small Muslim community of Herbivore, Bulgaria, two miles from the Greek border. As far as she knew there was no Christian or Bible in the entire area. Yet for some inexplicable reason, from the time she was a young girl, Silva craved a Bible. Such is difficult to understand since she was taught from birth, Christianity was evil and should be avoided at all cost.

Years later when she miraculously received a Bible, she poured over its pages, which eventually led her to Christ as Saviour. As an exhilarated new believer, she immediately began to share her faith with everyone!
Within a very brief time she was instrumental in leading her mother, father, two sons, brother, several neighbours and finally her husband Redgeb to the Lord.



Initially Redgeb was not interested in the Gospel. He was not only a staunch Muslim but the mayor of the Town of Gyovren. The conversion of Silva and their family caused a major rift in their home. Redgeb became hostile and violent. He beat his wife Silva and terrorized the whole family. As the mayor of a totally Muslim community, he was embarrassed that his wife and family had become Christians!

Redgeb had been a good husband and father in the past, but his disdain for his family’s new faith almost drove him crazy, causing him to turn to gambling. What started as a diversion became an addiction. His whole life became consumed with gambling, and eventually he lost everything he owned! By the time Silva became aware of his indebtedness, he owed thousands of dollars.


Burdened by an enormous debt Redgeb became extremely depressed and suicidal. Fearing he might do something drastic, Silva convinced him to meet with Pastor Encho, the only known Gospel preacher in the Rhodpi Mountain area. It resulted in Redgeb surrendering his life to Jesus Christ!
Providentially my wife Olie and I happened to be in Bulgaria during that time and had the joy of meeting Mayor Redgeb and Silva, just four days after his conversion. I had the privilege of presenting Mayor Redgeb with his first Bible.
I remember how he hugged the Bible. Then he hugged me, kissed me on the cheek and said he loved me. It all happened because I GAVE HIM A BIBLE! It was absolutely heart-stirring.

Following this Redgeb turned and affectionately embraced his wife, and said, “This is the one I love and want to live with for the rest of my life”. It was the same women he had beaten just a few days before. He declared her Christian love and kindness were major factors in bringing him to Christ.

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away;
behold all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17


A year later we were walking down the sidewalk of Gyovren when I heard someone call my name from a passing van. It was none other than Redgeb, the mayor. He was bubbling with excitement. He led us to a plot of land next to his home where they had poured the footings for a new Christian Church. They were ecstatic as they anticipated the future.



Upon concluding his tenure as mayor, Redgeb was urged to stand for re-election. He thanked the people, but stated he didn’t have the time as he was building a Christian Church. As mayor, he had renovated the town’s mosque and led in the building of a second one. Now he was building a Church for Jesus Christ!

The Rhodope area is inhabited by over one million people, and is dominated by Muslims who vigorously oppose the Gospel. In spite of this, Redgeb and Silva are determined to plant a Christian Church in their Town of Gyovren.

Last week I received an email from Silva. In it she shared how Redgeb was becoming a dynamic preacher, her two sons (Pavel and Nasko), where also preaching the Gospel, her brother Ognian was pastoring a Roma/Gypsy Church and a neighbour she had led to the Lord was a missionary in Turkey! Praise God!




Only the Lord knows the future! These new Christians are totally committed to Christ and are abounding with Godly enthusiasm. However, they have a critical need of our prayers, Bibles, financial support and encouragement. With the Lord’s anointing they could become Spiritual World Changers!

Who provided the funds for Silva’s Bible? In all likelihood it was one of our partners, since MREE has been responsible for virtually every Bible in the area. Maybe it was your offering!


1. Study Bibles were requested for the Church planters and students attending the school of missions in Novokuznetsk. Siberia. Most of these students plan to be involved in launching new Churches throughout Eurasia where there is no Gospel witness. They are definitely on the cutting edge of evangelism. Equipping them for ministry is gratifying and fulfilling.

Men Unloading Bus of Bibles

2. Russian Children’s Bibles were financed for boys and girls in Siberian orphanages.

3. Bibles were Provided for Northeastern Bulgaria where there is critical lack of the Scriptures

4. Bulgarian Bibles were delivered to our storehouse in Razlog. Although most of our Bibles are
dispersed as soon as they are printed, a limited number are stored in our warehouse for distribution to unreached areas and for emergencies. As of February, our cupboards were bare!





Two weeks ago, while on the telephone with one of our Roma/Gypsy Pastors in Bulgaria, I was excited to hear that 27 new converts were going to be baptized that week. Then I learned they had a baptismal service six weeks earlier. That’s absolutely thrilling!

In addition to this, their services are conducted outside. The Pastor stated that presently it was -7 Celsius (19 Fahrenheit) and snowing. These believers are not baptized outdoors in the winter months to be spectacular, but out of necessity. They believe they should openly declare their faith as soon as possible following their conversion. With no indoor facilities being available they have no choice.


Although some may wonder at their wisdom, we all rejoice to hear of the harvest of souls!



(Report from Pastor Bantseev of Novokuznetsk, Russia)


“Vika grew up in an orphanage because her mother was sentenced to prison when she was a young girl. She remembers seeing her mother drown her two younger sisters. Vika also recalls her mother telling her she wanted to abort her when she was pregnant but her grandfather wouldn’t allow it.

When we met Vika in the orphanage she was extremely withdrawn. Not only did she not speak to people, she never smiled or looked them in the eye. When she spoke, she had difficulty putting words into sentences.

She heard of Christ’s love through people from our Church who minister on a regular basis at her orphanage. Vika not only came to the Lord but also received inner healing – forgiving her mother for what she had done.

After leaving the orphanage she entered our Teen Challenge program because she had nowhere to live. She not only received Christ and was baptized, but now serves as one of the leaders on Jessica’s team in the media department”. (It has been a joy for MREE to provide Bibles for this and other Teen Challenge Centers.)


Your participation helps finance Bibles for Russia, Bulgaria,
Macedonia and Eastern Europe. Thank you!



Rev. James and Olive Weller
171-3278 Colonel Talbot Road
London, ON N6P 1H4

793 Centre Street, #296
Lewiston, NY 14092



www.mree.ca | jpweller@sympatico.ca | 519-870-1650