
We have our own in house piano technicians, who are fully qualified in all aspects of piano maintenance – which includes, tuning, repairs, and all necessary  adjustments

Ernie Storey Piano Tuner

Ernie Storey

Ernie Storey has over 25 years experience. Ernie holds a Bachelor of Music degree from  the University of Toronto and also graduated from the Piano Technician Course at George Brown College with honours. Ernie tunes pianos using the traditional aural method rather than using an electronic tuner.

Over the years Ernie have tuned for many professional pianists as well as piano teachers, their students, area school systems, churches  and many hundreds of other satisfied piano owners.

Customers are always telling us about how satisfied they were with Ernie and the piano service he does.

Hi,Ernie did an amazing job tuning my piano! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristine Dandavino, B. Mus, RMT


Mike Telep Piano Tuner

Mike Telep

Michael Telep, the owner has been involved in the piano industry for over 30 years, and is involved in all aspects of piano service – tuning, rebuilding , refinishing, moving, etc..

Caring for your piano.

Once your new piano is in your home, choose a place for it with stable humidity and temperature. Reducing seasonal humidity changes will greatly improve the performance and longevity of your piano. Ask your technician about climate control systems.

A piano’s continued good performance depends on regular maintenance. After you move a piano to any new environment, wait a few weeks for it to become acclimated before having it tuned. A new piano should be tuned at least three to four times during the first year and on a regular schedule after that as recommended by you Registered Tuner-Technician.

 Tuning your Piano

Your piano should always be tuned to standard pitch, A-440 CPS, and should be tuned at least three times during the first year after purchase. Some tuning instability should be anticipated during the first year because of the elasticity of the piano wire, combined with the piano’s normal adjustment to the humidity changes in your home. If a piano is allowed to stand for long periods of time without service, it will go further and further out of tune. More time and expense will be required to achieve an accurate tuning. Changes in pitch occur in all makes and models of pianos.

These changes are caused primarily by the expansion and contraction of the soundboard. Dimensional changes occur when the moisture content of the wood increases during periods of high humidity, and decreases when the air is dry. Movement of the soundboard causes the bridges and strings to move, which increases or decreases the tension of the strings. This causes the pitch of each note to change. The amount of change varies in different parts of the scale. The low notes change only slightly, while notes in the middle sections vary the most.

A Little Encouragement

Pianos should be well maintained regardless of the age or skill of the piano player. A piano that is out of tune, has an unpleasant tone, or an unresponsive touch can discourage even novice musicians. One of the best ways to reinforce interest in playing the piano is to maintain its overall performance in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.

Telep Pianos

90 Russett Ave
L1G 3R5

Phone: 905 433-1491