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Manitoba Dairy Farm Management Group Board of Directors

Chairperson - Josh Verhoog

Josh Verhoog is the second son of Garry and Teresa Verhoog who farm at St. Labre, where he is herd manager. This involves making the day to day management decisions and scheduling labour requirements where 500 cows are milked through a herringbone parlor and housed in a new freestall barn built a couple of years ago. TMR consists of homegrown forages and hi-moisture corn supplemented with commodity feeds.
Hog manure from the neighbouring barns is the primary source of plant nutrients.
Josh is a basketball coach and enjoys still playing hockey and basketball in his spare time.

Vice-Chair - Theo Van Dongen

Theo Van Dongen, his wife Klara Bassa and their daughter Amber emigrated from Holland in 1995 and purchased a dairy unit 5 miles south-west of Steinbach. They milk 80 cows through a 10 stall step/flat parlor housed in a freestall barn. Only corn is grown on the 100 acres of cultivated land, with dry hay purchased to complete the forage ration.
Rolled corn and a protein supplement make up the TMR ration. All heifers replacements are reared on the farm, having access to pasture in the summer.
An approved concrete manure storage was installed 4 years ago, which, although a considerable expense at the time, they are now thankful they went ahead with it.

Treasurer - Cliff Banman

Cliff along with his wife Pam and his parents, Jake and Liz operate a 100 cow freestall facility at New Bothwell. A TMR system of feeding with grain produced on-farm and purchased supplements is used for the milking herd and replacements, most of which are now reared at Pam’s parents adjacent farmstead.
Some custom harvesting and hay and crop sales provide additional income to the business.
Cliff’s spare time is spent with his young family.

Secretary - Louis Guimond

Louis, together with his wife Candace and her mother, Audrey Grier, farm in partnership and operate the 45 cow purebred herd of Crikside Brown Swiss at Woodmore.
The herd is fed hay on baleage or dry hay with grain and a supplement in a freestall facilty with emphasis on cow comfort. The herd is well recognized within the Breed and there is normally a demand for surplus production stock.
Louis enjoys showing animals with lots of success.

Dominique Chartier

Dominique and his brother, Denis, and their respective wives, Crystal and Danielle, operate Beauroc Holsteins in St. Malo. The herd comprises 130 purebred Holsteins and they raise sufficient youngstock as replacements for the increasing herd. They have just completed an expansion which involved a new barn, more quota and a changeover to TMR feeding. The herd is milk recorded and also classified. Dominique enjoys both curling and hockey in the winter and camping holidays with the family during the summer, which involves quading and fishing.

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