The Wing Chun form of Chum Kil, is the second empty hand form that a Wing Chun practitioner learns. As mentioned above, without a solid understanding and a rudimentory mastery of the Sil Lim Tao, learning and performing the Chum Kil form correctly will be difficult and daunting to the practitioner. The Chum Kiu form now introduces footwork, motion, turning and centralization to the Wing Chun practitioner. When observing the Chum Kiu form, it should be noted that the practitioner is learning to search for a bridge to his or her opponent, and that the core of the Chum Kil form covers defensive tatics in the Wing Chun system.

The Chum Kil form now takes the principles learned in the Sil Lim Tao and applies them dynamically, or in motion. Along with teaching concepts of:

  • Centralization
  • Balance
  • Forward & turning Energy
  • Footwork / Stepping
  • Che Ma (Turning Horse)
  • Kicking