Teacher Version - Edit Mode



The edit mode of OrChem is available only in the teacher version of the software, it is used to edit exisitng questions and write new questions.

Any text item can be selected from the menu and edited using your mouse and keyboard

Editing text is as easy as using Microsoft Word

Every text is associated with a mark, negative marks for wrong answers, positive marks for right answers and zero for questions

New text nodes can be added for additional wrong answers or extra hints for struggling students

Structures are edited and created using the adjacent toolbar, which is set-up similar to ChemDraw

Additonal structures can be added to any question in the same way as text

Dialogue graph lays out the flow of the question like a flow chart

Each portion of a question is represented with a node

Primary nodes contain actual data such as text, pictures of animations, secondary nodes are position markers and define the use of a primary node in the question

nodes are connected with lines (leading to primary nodes) and arrows (leading to secondary nodes) to create the dialouge graph

Any type of additional node can be added using the nodes toolbar adjacent to the dialogue graph

The number of nodes and size of dialogue graph is unlimited, users can create questions as complex or as simple as desired

A teacher that notices a common mistake made by the students can add a hint or a 'Known Bad Answer' node to customize the questions to their specific student population






























Siborg Systems Inc. Tel: (519) 888-9906 - Fax: (519) 725-9522 - e-mail: info@orchem.ca www.siborg.ca